“Don’t be shy. Who among you would like the opportunity to be the first husband to Jessica?”

Still no one. I put my hand to my mouth, trying to hide my shock, and fought back tears. The crowd b

egan to grow restless. Nobody wanted me. Blurriness again as tears filled my eyes, threatening to spill over and show the crowd how embarrassed I was.

I saw Pike. He stood with his tattooed arms folded in front of his chest. He wore a smug look on his face. He grinned at me, raised a hand, and was about to speak up when another voice was louder.

“I request a suitor visit!”

The crowd went nuts and I couldn’t tell who had spoken.

“Who is it?” someone asked.

“Who’s requesting?” came another voice.

“Was it Pike?”


Then he walked out of the crowd and up the three steps to the platform and faced me. It was Dominic.

Dominic the gay cook.

“Jessica,” he said. “Jessica, I have suffered two years watching you grow. I am only two years older than you and yet I’ve been expected to request a suitor visit since my eighteenth birthday. I know the pressure you’re under. I’m only twenty and I’ve been branded a homosexual simply because I refused to settle down until I found someone I truly cared about. Everyone has called me gay. Yes, I hear the rumors.”

My heart skipped a beat. Someone wanted me…but it was someone so unexpected. I would’ve never thought…

Dominic turned to look at the crowd. Everyone remained silent so he turned back to me. He was trembling and I wished I could wrap my arms around him and calm him down. He’d obviously put a lot of thought into this speech.

“I have to tell you the only thing,” he continued. “The only person I desire is you. I have loved you since the day you volunteered to help me pick berries for my pancakes. That time alone together in the woods. You were an innocent girl on a hike. But me…no…my heart thudded in my chest each time you looked at me. And I knew. I knew if I ever were to be truly happy, I would have to wait until this day.”

He came a little closer and took my hand in his. He looked up at me with so much longing. I truly understood the term “puppy-dog eyes” right then. He wanted so badly to be held, to be accepted.

“Jessica, my Dove, nothing would make me happier than to be with you. Please accept my suitor visit and if I please you, take me into your home as your first husband.”

I held onto his hand, my fingers wrapped around his, and I could tell that he wanted me. He was handsome. He was naturally good looking but not stunning. Kent was better looking and Pike was so much fucking hotter. But Dominic was dependable and quite handsome in an elegant sort of way. He was the boy you’d take home to mom…if you have a mom.

Suddenly it saddened me that my mom wasn’t around to see this moment. All little girls look forward to walking down the aisle and having their mom prepare everything with them. I’d have none of that. I looked back behind my seat at where Lauren was standing. She gave me a little nod and a smile. I turned back to Dominic. He was so cute and he was in love with me. And if nothing else the man could cook.

“I accept your suitor visit and will lie with you tonight,” I said.

I’d practiced the line over and over. Only this way it was followed by the roar of the crowd. Well, roar is probably an exaggeration. We weren’t in the Roman Colosseum but you get the point. The people were excited.

Dominic smiled and swallowed hard. He seemed so happy but also so nervous. I wondered if he too was a virgin. I held out my hand for Dominic to kiss and as he did, I spotted Kent in the crowd. He stood off to the right with his hands in his pockets. I smiled at him and he forced one in return. Then he turned and walked away.

He was upset. He wanted to be my first. It wasn’t meant to be.

Dominic draped the traditional red shawl around my neck and it was a done deal. I would be his for the night.

“Wait!” came a voice I recognized right away. “I too would like a suitor visit.”

Pike stood apart from the crowd holding up his red shawl.

“I was hoping for the first one,” he said, “But I know how it goes. You snooze you lose.”

You snooze you lose. Classy.

“So how about it? Will you accept my suitor request?” he asked.