“I’m ‘bout to come!” Pike yelled and just as I thought he was about to fill my ass, he yanked his cock out of me and shot his hot seed all over my back.

The feel of it, so warm, splashing against my skin, was the perfect end to our wild night.

I dragged Kent away with me to a hot shower. After all, it was his suitor visit. It was one he’d never forget and of course I’d owe him some serious one-on-one time, but I couldn’t imagine he’d complain about what went down.

In the shower, he collapsed against the tile wall, letting the hot stream wash over him, and I dropped to my knees to clean him off.

“So what now?” he asked as he ran his hand over my wet hair. “We’re married?”

I was so mad when it had all started that I hadn’t given it enough thought. He wasn’t even eighteen yet. He would be in less than a month but he’d never even requested a suitor visit. I was afraid I’d fucked up.

Kent slept with me in my room that night. In the morning, when we woke, it was Dominic’s day so we weren’t allowed to touch each other. I had a feeling Dominic wouldn’t want much to do with me for a while. I woke Kent up with his clothes bundled in my arms. I told him I thought it best if we kept our tryst a secret. I’d tell Pike and Dominic to keep their mouths shut about it until after Kent’s birthday. He’d need to go on with things as usual and request a suitor visit when the time came. We’d have our real night together and then he’d be welcomed into the house.

He didn’t seem all that happy about the decision but he knew it made sense. I wasn’t the only one who’d be hit with questioning and plenty of negative gossip if this got out. He had fucked a Dove before he was old enough and without going through the proper channels. Reluctantly, he climbed out my bedroom window the way he had so many times before.

I found Pike out back, chopping firewood. I was worried he wouldn’t be too happy about the evening’s events but he seemed strangely serene. I started to apologize for the odd way it all went down but he put a finger to my lips.

“You hear that?” he asked.

I wasn’t sure what he was talking about. He dropped his axe and wrapped his large, tattooed arms around me. He planted a kiss on my lips, a cute peck, being mindful of Dominic’s day, and winked at me.

“Hear what?” I asked.

“The birds,” he said. “They sing. They fly from branch to branch and mimic each other. And they sing peacefully. Animals out there in the woods. They keep going on about their day. You know what all these wild things are searching for?”

I had an idea but I wanted him to tell me.

“Food…and ass. If they can’t eat it or fuck it, they leave it alone. And when they’re eating and fucking they’re happy, they’re content, and then they look for something else to eat and fuck.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” I said.

Again, his weird ass form of poetry was lost on me.

“We’re just animals, baby. I love you. I knew what I was getting into when we met. When I came here. So, I guess what I’m saying is just keep feeding me and fucking me and all’s good.”

“You’re like the weirdest Dalai Lama ever,” I said as I kissed him again.

“Just spend my time with me and their time with them and we’ll all be happy. Oh and let me drink my beer and play with myself sometimes and I’ll be here by your side.”

“How’s Dominic? Have you seen him? I thought he’d be in the kitchen this early.”

“I haven’t seen him. How’s Kent? You probably fucked his whole world up, babe. That kid’s gonna have to have a threesome each time now just to feel normal. It’s all he knows.”

We both laughed. I loved this man. Pike was good for me. They all were in their own unique way.

I filled Pike in on the plan for Kent, about keeping our mouths shut and all. He was a little surprised that he wasn’t yet eighteen. He made a few jabs about me being a pedophile and a cradle robber and stuff like that, but come on, ever since the change happened, since females became such a rarity, age wasn’t nearly as important. Of course, in the Dove we stuck with eighteen because we needed to have some sort of guideline or every studly teenager would be trying to line something up with a grown Dove. But me being eighteen and being in love with a kid only a month shy of his eighteenth birthday was pretty reasonable.


The house was too quiet without the sound of Dominic’s breakfast tools clanging around the kitchen. It worried me a lot. Had I finally gone too far? Had I pushed him beyond his limits? I couldn’t help seeing the look on his face as he stared down at me with the ball gag in my mouth. I imagined what I must’ve looked like to him, mascara running down my face, my lipstick probably all over my cheeks, and two men inside of me. I felt like a whore for the first time and feeling like a whore pissed me off.

I was a fucking Dove and this was the life he married into. He said he’d waited for me. Did he really think we were going to run away together and live in a little house somewhere at a lower elevation, where it would be just the two of us, him cooking and me cleaning? Fuck that.

I was tired of his sulking. The sensitive, sorrowful side of me was gone. I wanted him to man up and get in the kitchen and make some fucking breakfast like he loved doing every single morning.

His bedroom door was unlocked so I shoved my way through. His bed was made neatly. His room was spotless and none of his personal belongings were in sight. The pictures of his family had been taken off the dresser

. I yanked open a couple of drawers. Some of his clothes were there but most of his underwear, socks, and T-shirts were gone.