“So what brings you here to our community?” Jewels asked.

She was always known for cutting to the chase. She usually sat quiet but when she spoke, the words carried weight.

“Three days ago. In the morning, right after dawn, we were attacked. Viciously attacked,” Gwenneth said. “Everyone…my baby boy…”

She put a hand to her face and sobbed. She was too weak to be a Dove. I didn’t buy it. Why weren’t they seeing what I was seeing?

Now, I’ll admit, I was being quite judgmental, especially for a woman who’d broken down all alone in the dark the previous night, but I was young and new to this Dove thing. This bitch should have had tougher skin. If she’d lost a daughter, sure, cry about it. But a son?

Would I cry for a son? Shit, maybe I would. I probably would I suppose.

“I’m sorry,” Bethany said. “Take your time. Sit down if you need to. Jessica, can you please get her some water?

Are you fucking kidding me? Now I’m a servant, bringing drinks to this outsider? The same tramp I’d wanted to kill yesterday?

I looked at Lauren who simply nodded her head. I didn’t want to do it but when the Seven said to do something it was wise to listen.

Lauren. Of course it would be Lauren telling me what to do. I hated her but I loved her just the same. I envied her was perhaps the best word and envy is a heavy weight to carry on your shoulders.

I returned with the water shortly after, on time to catch the end of her story. Gwenneth was sitting in the front row and had her head down on the prayer bar, crying, when I walked over and handed her the glass of water.

When she looked up at me, I let my gaze linger on hers, and I squinted my eyes a little, trying to warn her that I wasn’t buying her bullshit. I swore I caught a small smirk but nothing substantial enough to call her out on.

I almost told her I’d spit in her water but I wanted to enjoy the satisfaction of watching her sip it up.

I’m not evil. I’m not. I love hard but I hate hard too, and my trust doesn’t come easy.

“When the Venenum attacked,” Lauren said. “Did they take anyone with them?”

Gwenneth nodded and wiped at her tears.

“They took some of the women, the ones who didn’t get raped too badly or killed during the fighting.”

Women? You mean Doves you stupid dunce.

“Can I say something?” I blurted out.

Everyone was quiet and staring at me. Gwenneth turned in her seat.

I had to be careful. I couldn’t challenge the Seven, especially in front of an outsider. I honestly didn’t know what to say. My plan had been to shout out, “She’s a fucking liar!” But that wasn’t exactly the best way to get my point across. As much as I hated her for it at the time, Jewels saved me by belittling me at the same time.

“Jessica,” Jewels called out. “I’m so sorry, sweetheart, but this is a matter for the Original Seven. We’ll bring you and all the other Doves up to speed once we’ve sorted this all out.”

Perfect. Make me look like a child. Nice.

I stood from my seat and turned toward the exit.

I nearly ran right into Pike as I burst through the door and screamed inside my mouth. I kicked at the gravel driveway, and launched a stone that sailed right at Pike’s knee. It hit him and he winced and sucked in a breath as he raised his leg to rub at it.

“Show them rocks hell,” he said.

“Not funny. Not fucking funny at all.”

“What’s going on in there?”

“Private matters.”

“Private for me?” he asked. “Or private period.”