“I get angry and I lose myself. I don’t know why but something stirs me up and I just want to lash out. It seems to work during sex.”

“It works,” he agreed.

“But at other times…”

“You’re fine,” he said. “You thought she was attacking us…attacking him. You did what had to be done.”

“You think?”

He lifted my head up and kissed me gently on the lips.

“I’m okay with him coming into our home. I knew what I was getting into when I asked to be your fellow. He protected you yesterday and that was good enough for me. I know with him around you’ll be okay…but don’t ask me to be cheery around him. In all honesty, I don’t like him. I think he’s an asshole, and to think that he was with you last night…”

He yanked a hand from my back and slammed his fist down on the counter.

“To think he was with you last night hurts a little but I knew you’d have the suitor visit eventually so in an odd way I guess I’m glad it’s over with.”

Me too, believe me.

“Just bring him in,” he said finally, turning back to the mixing.

As I started to walk toward the door, he turned once more and said, “Promise me that on my days it’ll be just you and me. I want to believe I mean something to you and that you want those days for us.”

I smiled and I felt a glow inside. This guy truly loved me. Did Pike? I was pretty sure he did too.

“I promise.”


Later that day, after scrubbing up and showing Pike to his room, I made my way out to the chapel. I knew the Seven would be meeting to discuss the day’s events. The town seemed tense as I walked through. The usual sound of kids running through the green park areas between the houses was nonexistent.

People did walk the community. They always did. But this time instead of doing it for exercise or simply to visit neighbors, they all seemed to be trying to get a glimpse of the chapel and find out what was going on inside.

Any Dove was allowed inside a meeting but most didn’t get involved in town decisions. To do so would mean taking on a responsibility that most wanted nothing to do with. I was eager to hear the story of the visitors and to see the face of the woman I’d attacked. I hoped she was okay and could forgive me.

As I neared the chapel I saw that Bentley and his crew were outside fixing the panels the bike had smashed through. The machine was nowhere in sight but its tracks were still planted firmly in the grass.

Bentley saw me approaching and gestured for his men to keep doing their jobs while he broke away to see me.

“You okay?” he asked.

God, he was gorgeous. Such a man. But not a man in the way that Pike was. He wasn’t rough and burly or dangerous looking. He looked like he’d be an elegant date for a fancy ball, only he wore stained jeans and a button up plaid shirt. His close-cropped hair was so clean and manly. He was the kind of guy who’d make love to you when you needed it tender, fuck you when you needed it rough, then go fix the kitchen sink like he’d promised. Oh, Bentley. Another reason Lauren was so lucky.

“I’m fine,” I said. “Have a new husband now.”

I don’t know why I said it. Now that I think back, it’s like I wanted to see if Bentley would be jealous or something. But jealous of me? He was more like a father than a potential suitor. Plus, he was a taken man. But still, I hoped he would flirt enough to let me know I was a woman in his eyes.

“Well, Pike’s a lucky man,” he said.

And there it was. A lucky man. Bentley did think I was a catch.

“How’s Dominic taking it?” he asked. “I remember how I felt when Connor came into the family.”

“You talking shit about me again, Bent?” Connor called out as he kicked a soccer ball at


“And there’s the yuppie dog now,” Bentley joked.