I worked his cock hard, rubbing probably too hard. He’d be raw in the morning. And when I dug my fingernails in slightly as I jerked him, he howled and stepped back one step. I didn’t let him go far. I pulled his ass right back into my clench and kept fucking him with my hand.

“I think you know exactly what you’re doing,” he said. “But I think you’re putting way too much thought into this. You want to own me.”

“I do own you,” I reminded him. “You’re my fellow. I’m your Dove.”

“Then let go and let me show you what a real man can do to you.”

“Show me,” I said.

Two words. They were just two words. But apparently those two words held the weight of the world and would be two words I’d never forget.

Even now they echo through my mind. Show me…show me…show me.

Because he did. Fuck, he did.

Pike pulled me up to my feet, pushed my naked body over to one of the large rocks by the river, bent me over it, and whispered roughly into my ear, “Hold on tight.”

He kicked my legs open, and I don’t mean nudged them, he kicked my right heel and then my left and I was open wide as fuck. Juices ran down my leg. I was soaked, drenched, dripping for him. My pussy ached. It wanted to be filled, to be owned, to be reminded of what it was made for.

Then I felt the head of his giant cock press against me, perfect aim, and all it took was one slight thrust. I was tight. I had to be being nearly still a virgin. Nearly. But my pussy was craving his cock so badly it seemed to swallow him whole.

He plunged into me, filling me, his wide cock rubbing the inner walls of my pussy, pressing hard against my insides.

My tits scraped the rock. I lifted a leg, trying to climb the rock or something. I don’t know what the fuck my leg was trying to do, honestly, it seemed to have a mind of its own. But whatever it was doing was right because I was spread even more open.

Pike’s hands gripped my hips and he drove into me. He fucked me and fucked me and fucked me.

“Fu..uu…uuu…uuk me!” I cried out in pieces. It was meant to be one word but it shook from my throat as if it had been lodged in there and was finally dropping free.

“Yes,” I yelled. “Fuck me. Fuck me, Pike! Fuck me!”

Something slapped my clit, cracking against it like a whip, over and over as he thrusted into me. I realized it was his balls. They were hitting me, whipping me, joining in on the thrashing of my pussy.

My head hit the rock and I nearly blacked out, but I was brought back to reality as his cock drove into me.

“Over here,” he said as he scooped me up and led me to the grass where he pushed me down onto my stomach.

I nearly collapsed there, having no energy to hold myself up. My pussy throbbed, beating along with my heart, pulsating as if a blood pressure sleeve had been wrapped around it and pumped up. I slapped an empty palm against the grass and pushed my head up.

“No, head down,” he warned me as I felt him reach to my hips and pull my ass up. “Once I’m inside you can fall down again.”

“What?” ‘I asked, not understanding his plan.

Then I felt him enter me again roughly.

“Ohhh fuck!” I yelled.

“Yes!” he replied.

He plowed me into the grass and I couldn’t keep my ass up. I tried but I couldn’t. He was punishing me, fucking me so hard

I’d never forget him and I had the feeling he’d be able to do this every night going forward.

As my pussy splashed against the wet grass, my body splayed out, he fucked me harder. His cock never left me, only pulling out about halfway with each yank back and shove in. He’d found his rhythm and knew the exact length to pull out to and what angle to push back in.

I felt his pubes against my ass cheeks. And I loved it. I loved feeling him, his cock inside, his balls slapping, his pubes scratching.

“Fuck me, Pike! Come inside me!”