Thoughts of sex with Dominic, sex with Lauren’s ex, Alé, sex with Kent, and God…sex with Pike. I’d fingered myself three times in the shower with thoughts of Pike. He drove me fucking nuts and always sent my heart racing.

I thought of him as I looked over at the toy box. Would Pike want to use some of those toys on me during our suitor visit? I was a little bit scared of what Pike might do. With Dominic I was the aggressor. He’d been a virgin too.

But Pike…I knew Pike would take control.

I opened my legs and closed them. I thought of Pike leaning against the tree, watching me with Dominic at the park. Had he seen us making out?

I opened and closed them again. I was wet. I was soaked. For fuck’s sake I was horny. I thought of Pike jumping on the biker. The look of rage on his face. I wanted to sit on that mean, pissed off face and smash it. I wanted to push my pussy onto Pike’s face until he had to fight for breath.

I was soaking through my panties.

“You ok?” came a deep voice from the darkened doorway.

“You scared me,” I said.

And he did. I didn’t know anyone was there.

“You went batshit crazy back there,” he said as he stepped into the candlelight, the glow lighting up his blood stained t-shirt. He looked down and saw that I was looking at his chest. “The dude’ll be okay. The bullet went through clean. Johnathan’ll be alright too. Leg shots suck but he’ll live. The doc’s with ‘em both right now.”

Pike grabbed an overhead beam and held onto it with both hands, his tattooed, muscled arms flexing as he leaned forward. His goatee and long hair made him look almost comic-book like in the shadows.

I thought of asking him to eat me. Just saying it like that. What if I suddenly said, “Eat my pussy, Pike.” Would he do it? I thought he proba

bly would but for some reason I was nervous. I couldn’t say it.

“You plannin’ on stayin’ in here all night?” he asked. “Alone?”

“I don’t know,” I said.

It was the truth. I hadn’t thought much about what I’d do for the rest of the night. I supposed I’d go home at some point. I was being kind of drama queen(ish) and it probably wasn’t necessary. Dominic would be worried. He didn’t deserve to be.

“You want me to stay in here with you?” he asked. “You already said yes to our suitor visit so why not do it tonight?”

Fucking yes.

I wanted to shout it but I didn’t.

“We could do that,” I said.

“You sure? Cause I ain’t assuming anything this time around. Last time I did that shit I got tossed through a fuckin’ window. And a guy…

He paused and rolled his shoulders. He took a breath.

“A man who I suppose was a fairly stand-up guy got kicked out of town.”

“That seemed very difficult to say,” I said.

“It was,” he admitted. “I’m not really the sorrowful type. Anyway, the past is the past and everything happens for a reason and all that jazz.”

“The past is the past,” I repeated. “God, I hope so cause what happened today…”

He dropped his thick arms from the ceiling and stepped my way. He crouched down and took my hands in his.

“Don’t worry about what happened today. You did good. Considering the circumstances.”

“I beat the shit out of that poor girl.”

“Poor girl? Something tells me that leather clad biker chick has done something in her past that’s deserving of it.”