“I am so proud of you, baby girl,” she said as she hugged me.

Bentley left us alone in the kitchen, empty except for a stack of new plates and a toaster on the counter.

“I can’t believe it’s finally happening,” I said. “I’m a Dove.”

“You really are,” Lauren agreed. “And a glowing one at that. I take it your suitor visit went well?”

I crashed into Lauren and buried my face in her shoulder, giggling again like a young child.

“Oh it was amazing. When you guys told me about the feelings I’d encounter…man there just are…”

“…No words,” Lauren finished for me. “I told you there are no words. An orgasm is the closest thing to heaven we get to experience here on earth.”

“Oh yes it is,” I agreed.

“And you like Dominic then?”

“Yes, I really do. He’s such a sweetheart.”

“I take it his place will be in the kitchen,” Lauren said as she laughed.

“Definitely. I need to hurry and get another husband to help with everything else.”

“And what about Pike?” Lauren asked.

I studied her face for a moment. She didn’t know I’d overheard them the other night and I figured she didn’t know that Pike had been honest with me about it. I didn’t expect her to be truthful with me. The whole ordeal must’ve been embarrassing for her.

“Pike is…interesting,” I said.

“How so?” she asked.

“He’s as cocky as they come and I’m sure he’d make for one hell of a good sport in bed but does he truly understand what it means to be a fellow? That I’m not sure about. I don’t want to bring someone into my new family that’s a pain in the ass to manage.”

“Very true.”

“How are you holding up, with Alé gone?”

She opened her mouth to speak but then settled her lips down together again. She opened them, then stopped and closed them again. She was choosing her words wisely. Either that or she hadn’t found them yet. One meant she didn’t trust me and the other meant she was just distraught. I wasn’t sure which was the case.

Lauren was my idol, my motherly figure, but after overhearing her conversation with Pike, when the whole community knew that Pike was supposed to be mine, told me I needed to be careful with her. She was playing with a heavier hand than anyone knew. Anyone but me.

“I’m dealing,” Lauren said. “I’m dealing day by day. But I miss him.”

She looked out the window and the sun hit her face. She was golden, stunning.

“I miss him so damned much,” she added.

She reached up and wiped a tear from her eye.

“Well, your husband is waiting outside,” she said, “and I’m sure he’s ready to come in and join you. You two might even want to bless this house with your young and insatiable sex drive.”

Lauren gave me a hug and then left to join Bentley outside.

“Dominic, your Dove is waiting!” I heard her call from outside.

Moments later Dominic entered the kitchen with his hands in his pockets, his long sleeves rolled up to show off the dark hairs of his forearms. With the sun beaming in through the window, covering him in a dark silhouette, I knew that I was actually happy.

And I stayed that way for a week. Yes, I was content one whole week.