“Damn,” Jewels said. “The boy knows his stuff. I say let Lauren make her decision.”

Jewels leaned over and whispered to me.

“If that hot stud wants a piece of your ass, I say give it to him. I’d let him that’s for damn sure.”

Jewels usually kept her opinions to herself so hearing her chime in was like having a little devil on my shoulder whispering that this was the greatest idea ever.

“I don’t know if it’s exactly fair,” Twyla chimed in.

“If it’s not forbidden, and if Lauren will have me, I’d appreciate the chance to do this with her,” Pike said. “She’s my choice. No one else.”

I didn’t mean to but I suddenly realized I was nodding my head in agreement. Why the fuck was I so willing to step outside the norm? I knew I would be the talk of the town if I was so greedy that I’d take a fourth husband.

And what would my three husbands think? They’d be pissed. Why did I need another man when I had all of them to please me?

“Lauren!” Sienna said loudly, reprimanding me in her own way. “You’re not seriously considering…”

I didn’t answer. I couldn’t. I wanted to but I couldn’t. No answer seemed like a smart one. One reply would please only me and the other would please everyone else. I was selfish. The choice should have been an easy one.

“You know the drill,” Samantha said. “You have until tomorrow to think it over. I’d suggest you really think it over, Lauren.”

I only nodded. I’d take my day to think about it. I needed to.

It didn’t take long for word to travel around the community. Connor was the first to confront me since he was at home with the kids. I entered the kitchen to find him standing at the sink, his back to me, and his hands clutching the edge of the counter. I knew he heard me enter but he didn’t turn to face me. He didn’t say a word.

“You’re mad at me,” I said.

“I don’t understand you.”

I stepped closer to him.

“I’m sorry that you don’t understand. I love you, Connor. I love you. I love Bentley. I love Alé. Believe it or not but I truly love you all. And somehow, in this short amount of time, I’ve come to feel something for this guy…”

“Pike,” Connor spat out as if the name tasted like shit on his tongue.


“And you’re really considering this?”

“I’m not sure.”

“You’re always sure, Lauren. How could we not be good enough?” Connor asked. “How could I not be good enough?”

I made my way to him and wrapped my arms around his waist. I rested my forehead against his back.

“You are absolutely good enough. You all are. But I’m drawn to this man.”

Connor hesitated for a second.

“I will never forget our night in the suitor shack,” he said. “And now…to think you’ll be doing that with someone else.

“No,” I argued. “Not doing that. What we did was ours. It was special. If I said yes, this will be his…and mine. Different.”

“If it makes you happy,” he said, still refusing to look at me.

I considered saying that it would but I couldn’t get the words out.

“I’m not going to be the problem,” he said. “Bentley’s gonna be pissed and Alé...Alejandro’s going to flip out. He seems to have a real hatred for those guys.”