I have no sisters. For one girl to be born to a single family is almost unheard of, let alone two. That would be nearly impossible. Nearly. Two of the other Original Seven are twin girls. I have three brothers, one of which is here at the compound with me, married to Mayzie, a friend who lives two doors down. Mayzie and Lawrence will both be at today’s meeting.

Alone in my own bedroom, I finally had the chance to lie back and catch my breath. I’d been on the edge of hyperventilating for what seemed like forever. Bentley was like Conan the Barbarian in the sack. He was the best at going down on me. Each of my husbands had his pros.

Connor, who I’d be spending today with, was the youngest and could last FOREVER in bed. That was as much a burden as it was a blessing since sometimes I struggled to keep up with him.

Alé was the largest. The man was almost inhuman, all man from the waist up, all graphic novel from the waist down. And ever since I’d told him that, his favorite thing to say whenever he dropped his pants was, “Bam!”

I’m sorry if my head is buzzing with sexual energy. It’s not all sex with us. That would be ridiculous. We were actually a very loving family. Bentley was my first husband, and because of that he seemed to be the leader of the men. He came up the mountain with us when we first migrated. He’d been courting me since Denver, trying to convince me that he was one of the good guys.

A year after I married Bentley, I decided that it was time to bring a second man into hour house. It was tough on Bentley at first, but he knew from the get-go that it was part of our religion. A woman deserves to have variety and she deserves to have several chances at conceiving a baby girl.

Alejandro had come up the mountain with a squad of maintenance professionals. We hired only one company to assist with things we couldn’t do ourselves. We had to be very careful with who we allowed into our community. Alé seemed intrigued by our lifestyle. And he couldn’t take his eyes off my tits. Bentley agreed that he should be husband number two.

Neither of my first two husbands had produced a girl child. I’d had two boys but the girl wasn’t coming. I loved my boys though. It’s never certain in our lifestyle who the father is, but sometimes it’s quite clear. Little Anthony is five years old and I swear he’s a man trapped in a kid’s body. He’s just like Bentley.

Alex is six years old and the sweetest kid ever. His darker complexion made it immediately evident he was Alejandro’s seed. His father wanted him to man up, but I was always pushing for his softer intelligence side to win out. They’re a handful. And they keep their fathers busy. A Dove’s main responsibility is to continue trying for a daughter. So I was on a mission.

That’s when Connor joined the family. He was only fifteen when we first moved up the mountain. I’d watched him grow over the last seven years. He’d been a kid when it all began, just a lean youngster. The thought of taking him as a husband had never crossed my mind.

Then he turned eighteen and many of the other women were expecting his suitor request. He stayed single. But he attended nearly every meeting and I’d seen the way he’d looked at me. His dark eyes, like coffee swirls fixated on me. The short blond curls atop his head and boyish charm were enough to garnish several stares from me too.

I’m a full woman, not super lean, but not necessarily heavy. I have boobs that have breast-fed and I have hips that were made for child bearing. I have stretch marks for cryin’ out loud. My hair hangs to my breasts a

nd is blonde, I have what Bentley calls “green eyes of deadly ivy” and what Alé calls “an ass like J-Lo.” Yes, the J-Lo ass is still stuff of legend. I’m not a stunner, but I can hold my own. I wear sun dresses most days, hand woven by me.

My point is, younger and hotter women were definitely available in the Dove. And Connor was an 18, 19, 20, 21…22 year old who could’ve taken his pick. Why he’d waited for so long, I still don’t know. He claims it was nerves. I think it was fear of Bentley and Alé. My husbands were kind of intimidating.

Finally he requested a one-on-one suitor visit with me to prove his affections. The acceptance of a suitor visit is entirely up to the Dove. She makes the decision on who will be a potential husband. Connor had chosen me by presenting his request at the meeting with the seven, but I still needed to spend time with him and decide if I felt the same. Also, I needed to decide if he would be a good fit for our household.

In my home, I try to include my husbands in decisions like this. Naturally, neither of them was ready to share me with another guy although they knew it was the basis of our religion. I’m lenient, but stern, and there wouldn’t be much discussion. I wanted Connor and I would take him. The gavel had been dropped.

I’m not a bitch. I’m just decisive. If you want to see a bitch you should meet our neighbor, Maggie. She’s a fiery redhead who flirts with every man in town and treats all three of her husbands like shit. They’re basically sex slaves for the woman. No rules. She takes who she wants when she wants and when she’s not with them in bed, they’re busy doing whatever chores she’s laid out for them. It’s a strange household for sure. Mine’s not like that at all. My men love me and I love them. And I was sure Connor would fit right in.

A suitor visit always starts the same way. Being that the town is made up of several rows of cabins with a church and a water well at its center, any serious privacy needs to be accomplished a little ways outside of the main part of town but still within the security boundaries. And that would be one of the two suitor cabins. It had happened the same way with Alé but he’d been aggressive and had a little bit of experience with the ladies. His suitor visit was memorable in its own way, but Connor was a virgin, and that made it unforgettable on a whole other level.

With Connor it was awkward at best. He picked me up at my house, shook hands with my two husbands, and draped the customary red suitor shawl over my shoulders. He then took my hand and led me away from home.

I remember I was really excited for some reason. I’d had sex with the same two men for years and this young stud had chosen me, from all the other women both young and old, to prove his worth.

I’d seen him as a goofy, childish teenager and watched him grow into a super handsome hunk. He’d assisted me with carrying water home a couple of times when my guys were out working. I’d admired his muscles and loved his charm but I’d always considered him too young and off limits. I was 30 to his 22 as we marched to the cabin.

I remember my thighs were rubbing my clit a little as we walked and I was getting really wet. I was sure it would be his first time.

Some of the girls over eighteen dabbled in the single guy pool, cheating as some of us married Doves called it, trying to pluck the winning fish right out of the sea before being invited to a proper suitor visit. To do so was their own risk as no man was required to marry if he hadn’t gone through the proper procedures. So even if a Dove became infatuated with a man’s sexual prowess, he could decide he wanted nothing to do with her. Somehow, I knew Connor hadn’t played the Dove roulette.

I’ll never forget his first words to me as we snuck off into the night. Looking straight ahead, as if afraid to meet my gaze, he said,

“I’m gonna be good at this. I just know it.”

To this day I’m not sure what he meant by it. Did he mean he’d be good at having sex with me? Did he mean he’d be good at being a third husband? Did he mean he’d be good at walking the rest of the way? I had no idea. Turns out he was pretty darned good in all three areas.

When we reached the suitor cabins, I chose my favorite of the two. I’d been to the cabins once with Alé and one time after that with a man named Roger. Roger was an odd situation. He’d been pursuing me since we first headed up the mountain. The poor guy was madly in love with me. He was a friend of Bentley’s and actually convinced Bentley to pull my ear.

Bentley knew that I’d eventually take a third husband. I’d talked about it a lot. I wanted help around the house and Bentley had been tasked with community duties like maintenance and farming. Alé, being my second husband, was immediately put on security detail and tasked with a rotating schedule at the compound borders, making sure no Venenum tried to attack.

I wanted a third husband, one that could help with household chores. So I gave in and even though I wasn’t physically attracted to Roger, I gave it a try. He was quite pudgy and sweated a lot. I’m all for getting sweaty with your partner after a naked romp but this guy was soaked before we even reached the suitor cabin.

I tried. I’m not coldhearted. I really did try. But being one of the Original Seven, I knew there were much more suitable fellows out there waiting to get up the nerve to request a one-on-one.