“Ohh…ohhh…ohhh God! Oh God! Oh my God! Is that me? That’s me?!

He pulled his finger out and I squirted. I came so fucking hard I sprayed all over him. And my body rocked, it shook, it let go of everything.

“That’s you baby, fuck you’re wet,” Alé said as he slipped his cock back into me.

He wouldn’t stop. Thank God he wouldn’t stop. I’d never squirted before and I never knew it would be like that. It was just gushing out all over him. He was sliding in and out so easy as his slippery soaked cock kept ramming me. The bedsheet was drenched at my knees. My eyes felt dry from all the fluid I had in me pouring out over him.

“Oh fuck,” Alé said and I knew he was close.

He always moaned the same way when he was about to let loose.

“You are so fucking hot. You drive me wild,” he said as he leaned forward and fell onto me, pinning me to the mattress.

With my body splayed out he pumped even harder, pushing his cock deep into me. His mouth was at my ear and I could tell from his grunting that he was coming. He pumped faster as his cock let loose, shooting his seed into me. I could feel it pulsating inside of me and with the last spurt he grabbed my hair, yanked on it, and shoved.

We both collapsed onto my pillow.

“I love you, my Dove. I love you.”

“I love you, Alé.”

All was good. And then it wasn’t. It happened a few days after my night with Alejandro. I was sitting in the meeting when Samantha asked if we had anyone in line requesting a suitor visit. I’d heard that he and Harrison both were disease free and both approved to join the community but I didn’t expect Pike to act so quickly.

He walked in and stood in front of all of us, a tight black T-shirt hiked up to show off his big, tattoo covered arms. His hair had been shortened a little but still hung down to chin length and his facial hair was just barely trimmed. He looked hot.

“I’d like to request a suitor visit,” he said.

The whole place went up with excitement.

“You waste no time,” Sienna said. “You just passed your fellowship training.

“I came here for a reason. I want to be a fellow to one of your Doves. I want to take a job fixing up the place or doing security duty and I want to spend my free time taking care of my woman.”

All of the Original Seven exchanged glances and smiles. We’d just spoken at the last meeting about the need for sexy new potential fellows and here we were with one ready to jump right in to our suitor pool.

“And we have plenty of Doves ready and willing to take on a new husband. As you know, Jessica is almost of age. Just a few more weeks. We’ve spoken about that on several occ

asions so I hope you’ve considered her as an option. Who do you have in mind?”

Oh no, don’t say it. This isn’t going to be good.

He looked at me and I wished I could run away and hide. I wished I’d never explained to him out to do this properly. It had happened in the heat of passion when all I had in mind was sleeping with him. Now I was in the right mindset and I knew it wouldn’t work.

“I’d like to request a suitor visit with Lauren,” he said.

All went silent.

“I’m sorry,” Samantha said a she banged a gavel down on the counter. “Do you have the right name? Lauren already has three husbands.”

“But it’s not forbidden to have more than that,” I said, perhaps too quickly.

Fuck! Where did that come from? I’d just decided it was a bad idea and there I was jumping at the chance. And I’d sounded too eager. Calm down, Lauren. Calm the fuck down.

“It’s not forbidden, Lauren, but you know what’s happened in the past,” Samantha said.

“It’s definitely frowned upon,” Sienna added.

“Rule number four,” Pike said. “Right back there on the wall. It says a Daughter of Venus may take as many husbands as she likes keeping in mind the previous rule as jealousy is no excuse for violence in a household. I have no intention of bringing violence into a household.”