He stopped just outside the stall doors. We stood there for a moment just looking at each other. Then he spoke.

“If I knew you were coming over I might’ve dressed up.”

“I was just heading to…”

He turned to look behind him and saw that the alley opened up to nothing, just the base of a small hill.

“To that hill over there?”

Busted. God you are such a cocky son of a bitch.

He adjusted his towel, moving it a little, tightening it at his waist. My eyes were drawn to it. Beneath that thin layer of fabric was his cock, dangling free. For a moment I imagined reaching in and grabbing it, stroking it as I pushed him against the wall.

What’s wrong with me? Am I going mad? I have three husbands at home, all gorgeous and aching to fuck me. And I’m so tempted by this man.

I pushed the thought from my mind and focused on his chest and a rose thorn tattoo that wrapped around a name. Anna.

“Who’s Anna?” I asked.

He was quiet and I looked up to see him biting his lip. He sucked at his teeth making a clicking noise and just shook his head. I’d touched a nerve.

“It’s okay,” I said. “I’m sorry I asked.”

“Maybe another time,” he replied.

He stepped closer to me and reached out, putting his hand on my waist. Something about him was so familiar, like I’d known him in a past life. His clean scent, bar soap, blew on the breeze. I love the smell of a clean man.

I glanced down the corridor in both directions to make sure nobody was watching. We were alone. Nobody came back here anymore. We were in no danger of someone seeing us.

Pike moved closer, pushing me backwards with his body, one hand on my ribcage. My back hit the wall and I gasped. His face was just inches from mine. My mind told me to shove him away and scold him for having the nerve to lay his hands on a Dove without permission but the wetness between my legs told me to take his cock in my hand and stroke it.

I did neither. I was a coward.

“What are you doing?” I asked and I could hear my own voice coming out in a shaky tremble.

“Have you ever seen someone before but you don’t know how or where? Maybe in a dream?”

His hand ran up and down my side, bringing goosebumps to my flesh. My nipples hardened. God I wanted this man.

Take me into the shower with you and fuck me.

My thoughts were going wild and I needed to escape before my body caught up with it.

“I swear I came here just wanting to fit in, to be peaceful and maybe one day find love again…and then I saw you that night.”

“Yes?” I asked, my voice coming out in a slight gasp.

His hand had slid down to my thigh.

Yes, baby, just a few inches over and you’re there. Touch me, please. Just touch me. Then I can decide to tell you to fuck off or fuck me. But touch me first.

“You were…you are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen,” he continued. “I wanted someone this badly once…once…and I lost her. I thought I’d never feel that way again. Until I saw you and that feeling came flooding back to me. I don’t care about your one husband or your two or your three. Take me too.”

“Oh God I want to,” I said.

Shit, I didn’t just say that out loud did I?