Pike didn’t elaborate a lot. He seemed to be a man who liked to keep his past buried. As he was led out of the room he stopped in front of me. He nodded at Samantha and Sienna.

“Thank you for the opportunity.”

He turned to me.

“I hope to get to stick around a bit and get to know you better.”

He walked out.

“He wants to get to know you better,” Sienna said with a chuckle.

“He seems to have already chosen whose arms he’d like to seek comfort in,” Samantha added.

“He was just being nice,” I said.

But he wasn’t. I knew it. They knew it.

A few minutes later we were told that they’d both passed the psych evaluations. They’d have blood drawn and tested for diseases and after that I knew they’d be accepted. In the meantime they’d be moved out of the cells. They were no longer seen as a threat so we’d put them up in a temporary home. They wouldn’t be given jobs or be free to roam the grounds until all results came back but they wouldn’t be treated like prisoners.

Both men passed their lab tests. They were clean. As per our rules and regulations, both would need to go through fellowship training. This meant they’d have to spend time with each of the Original Seven learning our values and virtues. If any of the seven, at any time, felt they weren’t pure in their intentions to take care of a Dove in the future, they’d be asked to leave the community.

When it wasn’t my time to spend with the men, I did my best to avoid them. Pike was to be prepped for Jessica’s eighteenth birthday. He knew it. Selena mentioned it to him during their time together in training. He was told that a beautiful young girl would be coming of age soon and would need strong and mature suitors. He was all but assigned to her.

That didn’t stop his romantic gestures towards me. The first time I oversaw his and Harrison’s training, he didn’t take his eyes off me in class. There I was trying to explain the different jobs in which they may be tasked and he was eye fucking me the entire time. His sly grin never left his mouth. When I left that day he handed me a rose, its stem snipped high so I could easily hide it on my way out.

“I don’t want anyone else,” he whispered.

That kept my thoughts on him for a while. As Bentley fucked me in the missionary position, I couldn’t help imagining it was Pike on top of me.

This went on for a while, Pike giving me small gifts, touching my hand, touching my inner thigh or the inside of my arm as we passed each other. His flirting was taking its toll on me and kept my panties soaked most of the time I was in the same room with him. It was driving me crazy.

It All Falls Down

The first time things went beyond flirting, I’d woken up with Alé by my side, no intentions of seeing Pike at all. I spent the rest of the morning with Alé, a good portion of it in bed, but then he had to go to work. I’d be waiting for him when he returned but from 10am till 10pm he was on duty.

Bentley was out doing his maintenance duties and Connor was taking care of the kids. I hung out with them for a little while but then he took them to the schoolhouse for afternoon teaching and I found myself all alone. I decided to go see Bentley, who I knew would be out helping to build a new house. Jessica would need her own place once she became of age.

Bentley was busy painting the front porch when I arrived. I brought him a pitcher of lemonade to share with his coworkers. He wrapped me up in a hug and kissed me gently on the lips. He knew not to go any further on Alejandro’s day.

“Looks good,” I said, pointing at the house with a dip of my head.

“You should see the size of the master bedroom. That girl’s gonna have lots of room.”

Bentley started telling me all about the newer additions, plans that had been designed recently, giving the newer Doves much more space than what we had in our house. At some point I drowned out his voice. I didn’t mean to but I saw Pike.

He was headed towards the outdoor shower area, a place rarely used anymore. It was left over from the days of poor plumbing and electricity, back when we were just getting the place going. The temporary quarters had a toilet and a small kitchenette but no tub or shower.

When Bentley finished his lemonade and went back to work, I made my way over towards the showers. I wasn’t planning to spy on Pike or anything but if I happened to bump into him it wouldn’t be such a bad thing to see how he was doing, right?

God, I’m such a fucking liar sometimes. Truth is, there was no other reason to be anywhere near the showers. It was a secluded area. That was the appeal. I thought I might “accidentally” bump into him.

I knew going back there was wrong. I knew nothing good could come of it. But the way we ladies sometimes accuse men of thinking with their dicks, I think somehow my pussy had developed a mind of its own. I wanted to see him.

Turns out I did bump into him.

He was stepping out of the shower stall, his clothes bunched up in one hand, and only a towel around his waist. The alley that led to the stalls was narrow, built between two houses, and I almost bumped into the brick wall to my right when I saw him.

He was built like a pro football player, chest and arms ripped with muscle. Tattoos covered his stomach, chest, and arms. BOC, which I now knew stood for Brotherhood of Carnage, was inked on his chest. Words written in a strange language I wasn’t familiar with was on both arms. I guessed it was Nordic. His blond hair was soaked and his facial hair was trimmed a bit.