Then there are the taller ones, which I’ve nicknamed, Ventis. Yes, like the big Starbucks coffees. They are the same size as humans. I don’t employee many of them because they’re known for being complainers. Not always and not all of them, but the Ventis, of all the elf families, are the most difficult to manage.

Of course these nicknames I’ve given them aren’t their real names. I can’t even pronounce the real ones but they work for me so I keep using them.

I met Celise when she came to complain about one of her coworkers, another Venti. Any elf complaining about another was almost unheard of so when she asked to speak to me, I wanted to hear what she had to say.

“My people are lazy,” she said as she barged through the door.

She was relatively new to my team and had been assigned to the kitchen where she was responsible for putting the finishing designs on desserts. Her people were excellent in the kitchen.

I didn’t know much about her but the moment I saw her standing in my office, I was mesmerized. Long pink hair cascaded down the sides of her face with her pointed elven ears poking out ever so slightly.

Her lips were full, luscious, moist looking and I wondered if she had a habit of licking them or if they were painted with some sort of gloss. I know this will sound horrible, but I’m a man, and sometimes I can’t prevent my dirty thoughts. And my filthy imagination was drawn to those damned lips. I couldn’t help imagining them wrapped around my cock. And every word she spoke, with that slightly high pitched but kind of sexy elven voice, accentuated her lips and drove me wild.

She wore a pink, candy striper kind of outfit that put emphasis on her tits, not much larger than a handful, but insanely tempting. Her cleavage was clearly on display and I couldn’t stop switching my eyes between her lips and cleavage, until I noticed how long and smooth her legs were. I loved how they disappeared into her short skirt.

Fuck, I was hard at my desk. I liked her instantly. And I’d barely heard a word she’d said. Yes, I know, I sound like a pig, but come on. I hadn’t had sex in a while. No, it hadn’t been a hundred years. Are you crazy? I just hadn’t been married in a hundred years. I’d fucked a girl just a month before when I took a mini-vacation into Manhattan.

So I was overdue.

As Celise stood in front of me, telling me her problems, I noticed she wasn’t really looking me in the eye. She was looking at my chest. I glanced down to see that my shirt was unbuttoned a few buttons.

“Oh,” she said as she caught herself. “I’m so sorry, Mr. Claus.”

“What?” I asked, standing. “Don’t be.”

I stood too quickly and had forgotten about my hard on. I came up and slammed my stiff cock against the bottom of the desk. I doubled up in pain and fell over.

She rushed to my side and dropped to her knees to see if I was okay. Other than being incredibly embarrassed, I was fine. She rested on one knee and had the other raised just slightly and I got a clear view inside her skirt. She wasn’t wearing panties. And her pussy was different from the others I’d seen.

I mean it was formed the same way but it was bald and strange tattoo-like symbols were where a normal woman’s pubic hair would be.

I was insanely turned on. I looked up at her and smiled.

“Would you like to have dinner with me tonight?”

She didn’t answer. She just looked down at me and blinked. Her face was angelic, so innocent looking, and those lips again…man, I wanted to kiss those lips. I wanted to pull her pink hair back into a ponytail and shove my tongue into her mouth.

“Hello?” I asked.

She shook her head a little.

“I’m sorry,” she said. “I just…I just…”

She stood and started to walk out of the office. She grabbed the doorknob and stopped to turn around.

“Are you serious?” she asked.

“I am. I eat alone a lot…whenever we’re not having some kind of group feast. I eat alone…yeah, a lot. I’d really be honored if you’d join me tonight.”

She laughed.

“Why are you laughing?” I asked.

“It’s just…the girls aren’t going to believe me,” she said. “We all…nevermind.”

“You all what?”

“I can’t tell you much. But we talk about you sometimes. They won’t believe you invited me for dinner.”