“I know you don’t. That’s why I asked Javier to drop us off here.”

And you just gave yourself away, buddy. You have an idea my ass!

“You don’t wear one, I don’t wear one,” he proposed.

He stood and pulled off his shirt. My jaw didn’t just drop, it plummeted. Was this guy for real?

If I could describe the man’s body I’d say that it was chiseled out of granite and lacquered in gold. It was too dark to see his tan but I could imagine the beauty of it. If he were a vampire, he’d sparkle and shit.

Wait, that was in the sun, right?

There was no way in hell I was taking off my dress out in the open like that and no way I was doing it in front of him. My body couldn’t compare to the magnificence of his.


Naked under the blankets in a hotel room I could do (and hanging from a tree branch in a forest apparently). But stripping naked in the heat of passion with plans to traipse into the ocean? Hell no!

“Are you shy?” he asked.

“A little,” I admitted.

He pulled off his shorts and tossed them onto the beach along with his shirt. Standing there in tight black underwear, he was like a Latin god. His thighs were just barely larger than his biceps and both were quite impressive.

I imagined gripping his ass as he drove

his cock into me, his strong legs pumping as he thrust forward.

Yes, I was going into the ocean with him. Absolutely.

Damn it, I know I’m contradicting myself but you would too if you saw the fine ass specimen in front of me. Good grief.

“I’ll get into the water first and I promise not to look at you when you come in,” he said.

I nodded, words not ready to come out of my mouth with my jaw stuck to the sand.

He turned and dropped his underwear, revealing the nicest ass I’ve ever seen…then…and to this very day. It had muscles and dimples and…I’m getting hot just thinking about it again.

He jogged into the ocean. I couldn’t see the front of him, but my mind went to the thought of his cock bouncing up and down as he made his way to the water. He splashed in, his strong back flexing before he dove into the water.

“Awooo!” he howled. “It feels great!”

I’m really going to do this aren’t I?

I sure was. I looked around once more to ensure I was the only person within viewing distance. I looked back at the trees and imagined bird watchers checking the shore for seagulls and finding my naked pussy in view.

Did bird watchers bother with seagulls? Imagine them trying to find my shaven twat in one of their bird books.

Twat. What a funny word. I don’t think I’ve ever used that one before. It’s not quite as rude sounding as cunt. Twat has kind of a cuteness to it don’t you think? Look son, we’ve finally spotted the wide-beaked, red-feathered Twat. Ha!

The trees were empty. The beach was vacant to both sides. Far off I thought I saw people dancing in front of the flames of the festivities but it was too far to tell for sure.

“My eyes are closed!” Valentino yelled.

I stood, shook my head, rolled my eyes, threw a mini internal fit, then lifted my dress over my head and dropped it on the ground next to Valentino’s clothes.

I hesitated before removing my bra. He promised he’d keep his eyes closed but still…I wondered if he could see me if he decided to cheat. I couldn’t really see him. I unclasped my bra and got goosebumps as the cool night air blew against my warm breasts. It felt great. Free.

I turned my back to the ocean and pulled down my panties, kicking them into the pile. I don’t know why I turned my back, as I was soon facing the ocean anyway, holding my arm over my breasts and a hand between my legs as I jogged to the water.