“It’s me…and it’s you…again,” he said with that cocky, shit-eating grin of his.

Amazing how the night before I thought it was a cute smile, a sexy smirk but after seeing him fuck my roommate a couple hours later it had a whole new description. Yes, it was definitely shit-eating.

When I didn’t reply, he continued his verbally witty ninjitsu.

“You ran off so quickly last night that I was kinda worried. I didn’t know what happened to you.”

“What happened is I was way too drunk and shouldn’t have been that close to you in the first place. Thank God I had to pee or I might’ve made a serious mistake.”

Chad looked around as if checking to see if anyone had overheard. He obviously had a reputation to uphold in Cancun. Being a sleazy womanizer was perfectly fine but being a sleazy womanizer being blown off was definitely not.

“You know,” he said. “I wasn’t all that interested in you in the first place. Your roommate on the other hand…mmm now that was a piece of ass.”

I pulled my hand back and hissed as I let it go. Chad was about to get the shit slapped out of him when someone grabbed my wrist, stopping my hand in midair.

“Choo don’t wanna do that, Mandy,” Valentino said as he stepped into view.

Now that’s the “choo” I’ve been waiting for.

“Yeah, you don’t wanna do that, Mandy,” Chad repeated.

I was about to say something when Valentino stepped in between us and looked Chad in the eye.

“I don’t know what you did to the lady, but I know she’s a very nice person, so it must have been something bad. Now, trust me when I tell you this cabron, I won’t let the lady hit you, but if you don’t back the fuck up, I will. And if I hit you, you won’t be getting back up. Comprende?”

Oh my God, I’m soooo going to fuck this guy. Like tonight. Like right now if he lets me.

Suddenly I could see myself bent over on the dance floor like the hot chick with the braids, with Valentino behind me dry humping me from the back.

Chad threw up his hands and backed up a step. “Okay my friend. No need to get all violent. I’m a nice guy, just here having a good time. I’ll be over there minding my own business.”

Chad pointed toward the bar

but Valentino shook his head.

“Nah, you need to leave the club. Marco, escort this guy out please.”

Marco? Who’s Marco?

A heavy shoulder bumped into me and suddenly Marco came into view. He was huge, had a shaved head, and tattooed covered arms made visible through the sleeveless wife beater he wore. Two other big guys were with him.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to bump you,” Marco said as he looked down at me.

He had to look down at me because he was a fucking giant. I’m so sorry to sound like a horrible stereotyping bitch, but Marco was the kind of guy that’s always seen on the TV documentaries about America’s worst prisons.

You know, the guy with the bandana pulled down over his eyes, so he has to lift his head up to peer out the bottom? The guy holding both middle fingers up, both with initials of ex-wives? That was Marco.

And how does a sweetheart like Valentino become associated with a big brawler like Marco? Oh…oh…oh shit. Valentino’s a prison gangster too, isn’t he? How do prison gangsters get hired at fancy hotels? Wait, are prison gangsters good in bed?

Suddenly I didn’t care if he was the leader of the Mexican mafia. He’d just rescued me from the scumbag of Cancun with just a sentence or two and it looked like Marco would take care of the rest.

I’ll have to introduce Jill to this Marco. More than likely she’ll introduce herself.

With Chad out of the picture, I was left standing there alone with Valentino. He was even more striking than he’d been by the pool, with his hair combed back and his pre-work shave starting to grow out just a little. He wore a black T-shirt and white pants.

“Thank you,” I said.

“You’re welcome.”