I had a fucking conquest to get back to.


My hair was up, my makeup was hot, my dress was black, and I was ready for another night on the town. Ben and Jill sat on my bed watching me check myself out in the mirror. I pushed my boobs together, satisfied that they were looking as tempting as possible. Through the reflection I saw them both staring at me.

“Don’t scary movies start like this?” Jill asked.

“Vampire movies, right?” Ben said. “Don’t new vampires usually get all sexy and horny and dolled up when they’d been lifeless sacks of rotting flesh a few hours earlier?”

I fixed my glare on him. A warning.

“But she has a reflection,” Jill argued. “Where’s the chick who wanted to lie in bed and watch Cinemax tonight?”

“I don’t need Cinemax anymore,” I said. “I’ve found your Internet porn channel. Not that I need it since you were fucking a guy right next to me last night.”

Ben cracked up. “Oh snap!”

“Okay, you got me there,” Jill replied. “But seriously, what gives? This morning you said you were never going out again. Now?”

“You look fucking hot, chica,” Ben interrupted. “You’re definitely ready to go out again.”

“I met a guy,” I told them. “A super-hot, really cool guy. At the pool today.”

“How did we miss that?” Ben asked.

“Somewhere between your cannonball and Jill’s handstands. I believe in Mexico they call you guys niños.”

“So where we going?” Jill asked.

“Wherever you want. He said he will find me.”

I was eager to get out of our room and find Valentino, or to let him find me I guess I should say. The thought of the young and sexy foreigner with such a sweet accent and satisfying smile searching for me put a permanent grin on my face.

He better come looking for me.

My hangover was gone. I’d been drinking water all damned day, so much that I had to get up and pee eight times—yes I counted—while watching the Kardashians on their latest vacation.

I don’t know what it is about that show, but for some reason watching a family with so much money have such a great time while battling real world (or their world) problems is so freaking interesting that I can’t seem to turn away. I once sat for four hours watching that show. Four.

That’s longer than Titanic and an episode of Orange is the New Black both in a row. And Titanic is fucking long.

I had no intention of drinking that night. If we weren’t walking I would’ve had no problem with being the designated driver. I didn?

?t want to go through the drunken time machine again. Waking up in my bed with no recollection of the previous night’s events was horrible.

I let Jill and Ben pick the nightclub. I figured fate would play its part and if Valentino was meant to find me he would.

This time Jill decided to follow the crowd and that crowd just happened to lead us to a mostly hip hop and reggae joint. Fine by me.

When alone in my car, my music mix is a hodgepodge of old tunes blended together with whatever’s hot at the moment in all genres. It’s typical to hear Nicki Minaj followed by Madonna followed by Luke Bryan followed by Sean Paul followed by Maroon 5.

I might even mix some Wu-Tang with Metallica with Gavin Degraw.

Also, when alone in my car, I get down. I shake my ass like it’s on fire. I’m surprised the driver’s side seat doesn’t have a permanent bald spot where my butt cheeks rub. I’m a dancing machine.

However, when in public, I’m a little more reserved…until I start downing multicolored test tubes filled with hard liquor concoctions of course.

But tonight I will not be doing anything of the sort.