“Do you work here?”

I already knew the answer, I just wanted to hear him say it.

“Ches, ma’am.”

“And you brought this all the way over here for me?”

Ches, ma’am. Ooooooooh I love him.

“Ches, ma’am,” he replied, not letting me down one bit.

“That’s the sweetest thing anyone’s ever done for me,” I said, realizing right after the words came out of my mouth that he was a hotel employee and it might be his job to provide aid to the battered damsels rotting away in the

sun with no intention of spending any money anywhere else in the hotel.

“How did you know I needed this?” I asked him.

I strained to see his nametag pinned to his silhouetted frame.


Oh that’s so hot.

And he looked like a Valentino. I don’t know how, but the name just fit him so well. It was like a velvet blanket thrown over my freezing body. It just comforted me and made me want to wrap my legs around him and soak him up. I wanted to tuck my hands inside his pants, grip his ass, and just hang on for a while.

“I saw you, umm, how do you say…I saw you going from da club last night. Chor friends was carrying choo. Choo looked really bad. And very umm, how do you say…vulnerability?”


“Ches, exactly.”

Okay you get the point. The guy’s accent was fucking incredible. I hung on every word coming out of his mouth. I wanted him to fumble his words. I wanted him to mis-conjugate every verb and turn every single Y into a choo.

I wanted him to lie down next to me on this beach chair, spoon with me, and whisper ridiculous sounding nothings in my ear. Because each verbal foul made me want him even more.

But…for the sake of this story and so you don’t have to try to figure out every quote, I’m going to switch to regular English. Just remember. He never stopped sounding that damned sexy.

“Valentino, thank you.”

His eyebrows furled and I realized he was confused by the fact that I knew his name. I pointed at his nametag and giggled.

Yes, I giggled.

Like a five-year-old. He made me feel that way, like a nervous little rope-jumping, hopscotch hopping, go-fish playing little girl.

Valentino chuckled.

“It’s not fair that you know my name and I do not know yours,” he said.

I don’t know if it was left over desire from the night before, having been so close to hooking up with the hunky douchebag, or if it was seeing Jill bent over and gripping the sheets while the same guy ate her from behind, or if it was seeing the giant cock of Ben’s friend lying limp on his bed…geez no wonder I was a hormone raging monster. I’d been teased with sex all night.

I need to fuck.

That was becoming my mantra.

I can’t be the only girl in the world who thinks like this, right? I mean I don’t think about it all the time, but several months of no penetration makes me start thinking like a pervert.

And as I looked at Valentino squatted down in front of me with his white slacks bulging at the crotch, I imagined the size of that beast he had caged away.