But still.

He fucking winked at me.

It was like douchebag morse code or something.

I got up and went to the bathroom. When I came out, Chad had Jill bent over and was eating her pussy from behind. She was holding onto the side of the bed, gripping the sheet in her fists, facing me. Her mouth was open so wide I thought her top lip would touch her nose. And her eyes looked drugged. If nothing else, the hunk seemed to know how to eat pussy.

Damn him. That could’ve been me.

I was still fully clothed so I left. I went next door to sleep at Ben’s. When I banged on the door, he opened it wearing nothing but a towel. I didn’t even ask to enter. I just shoved past him and lay down on the first bed I came to.

“Come on in,” Ben said sarcastically. “Hope you don’t mind I have company.”

I hadn’t noticed. I looked to the right and saw his “company” lying naked on the other bed, cock limp and to the side, like a crushed kickstand.

“Benny, I’m sorry,” I said. “Did I interrupt?”

“Do I look like you interrupted me?” he asked with big ol’ grin. “If you had I wouldn’t have opened the door. I was kinda busy a few minutes ago.”

He lay down next to me.

“We finished a while ago. I was just taking a shower.”

“Benny, I’m not feeling so hot,” I said.

“Just sleep. You’ll feel better in the morning.”

He pulled me to his chest and stroked my hair.

I love Ben.

I closed my eyes. He turned off the light.

“Benny?” I said in the darkness. “I’m not doing so well on this conquest of mine.”

“There’s not a single guy in Mexico who wouldn’t die to sleep with you, honey. And not a single guy in the world who deserves you.”

Chad was gone by the time I returned to my room the next morning. Thank God because I didn’t think I could face him after last night. In the state I was in, I don’t think I could face anyone.

I was miserable.

Plopping down on the bed face first, I passed out with no intention of dealing with the world.

I am never drinking again.

Unfortunately for me, but very fortunate for her, Jill is a very rare breed. She’s the kind of girl who can drink whatever she wants at whatever quantity she sees fit and won’t suffer for it the next day.

I could hear her singing some popular tune from the radio as she brushed her teeth. It must’ve been a few hours after I’d returned to the room, but in a drunken haze, a few hours feels like a few minutes.

I was in no shape to join her in her revelry. I did get out of bed though. I stumbled right past her in the bathroom, bent over the toilet, and vomited.

I know, that’s gross. But you’ve been there, right?

I don’t know how many of the drinks I’d consumed had rum in them, but I can tell you that everything coming out tasted like the stuff. And everything I ate or drank the rest of the day tasted like it.

Rum has that odd effect. It’s like the cilantro of the drink world.

“Mmm, I bet that felt a lot better going down,” Jill teased.