She flicked my nose, knowing that bothered me. I had a little button nose that I wished I could change.

“What I wouldn’t do for this do,” she added as she ran a hand through my hair.

When my high school counterparts used to hang their heads upside down, douse their head with hairspray, and then grip their dangling hair in their hands and scrunch it up as much as they could, my hair just naturally styled that way.

Susie had straight blond hair and a dark tan that most would think was spray-on, but I knew was the result of a dedicated up-at-dawn, beach-bound regimen.

“Go get dressed,” I told her.

“Umm, about that. I’m not going,” she informed me.

“What do you mean you’re not going? I’m not going out with this dude by myself. I don’t know anything about him.”

I realized I needed to come down an octave. I was squealing the way an eight year old would if a bike ran over her toe.

“I’m kinda sore,” she whispered.


Susie just looked at me, cocked an eyebrow, and grinned.

“Oh no way,” I complained. “Come on. You guys have sex like every day. Since when are you too sore to…”

She pointed at her butt. I knew she very rarely allowed Vince to go in the back door. That’s one of those things I’d never done and didn’t plan to do. I didn’t even like things coming out that end, so going in…no way.

Susie rolled her eyes as she nodded and laughed. “Yup. He begged. And I hate to see him beg.”

“Eww,” I said just imagining them.

I touched myself while he was doing her from behind. Gross.

“Please, Susie. Don’t do this to me,” I begged.

“I can barely sit down right now, girl. Bumper cars would be completely out of the question.”

“Then I’ll cancel. I don’t wanna go. Let’s just chill here and watch a movie.”

She took both of my hands in hers and swung them back and forth.

“Trust me,” she said. “When you see this guy, all this talk about staying home will melt away. HE IS FUCKING HOT, AMANDA.”

She only said my full first name when she was trying to drive home a point. She was serious.

“He’s the kind of guy that would be the werewolf alpha in a TV show.?


I shot her my angry look, still not buying it.

“Just wait till you see him. Then you stay home if you want to.”


Braden was late. Not “oh shit he stood me up” kind of late, but late is late. His knock rattled the door at almost 8:30. By then I’d relaxed on the couch and kind of hoped he wouldn’t show at all. Susie and Vince were watching the tail end of The Notebook, one of my favorite movies. Next up? Unfaithful. That’s where I had to draw the line. Surely, whether I was next to them or not, Vince would start to make his move while Diane Lane gets eaten out. Just the thought of their poop chute escapades made me cringe.

My saving grace came with the one-two knock of my date. Vince opened the door and met his buddy in the handshake hug way men do, their masculine approach at showing their feminine side. At least we girls just wrap each other up in a big hug and pop a kiss on the cheek. No need to showcase brute strength. It wasn’t until Vince backed off that I actually got a good look at my new beau.

Braden. The name fit him perfectly. He looked elegant, dressed in a charcoal sweater, black undershirt, and midnight slacks. He was much more dapper than any guy I’d dated in the past. His hair was black, kind of messy, but in that oh-snap-look-how-I-just-made-my-hair-look-like-I-didn’t-plan-it-this-way style. It stood up, but kind of went off at different angles expertly. Even from the doorway I could see his icy blue eyes. They seemed to shimmer in the electric blue light of the kitchen fluorescents. His face was chiseled, his jaw squared. He was clean-shaven but looked as if that five o’clock shadow kicked in at noon. Overall, he was a 10 on a scale of 1 to 5.