And suddenly it was the Fourth of July.

I could hear soldiers playing flutes and bright flowers lit up the sky and fairies were having a rave in midair over my face, complete with glow sticks and techno music of some sort.

And of all songs that could float through my head at that moment, my post climax soundtrack was “Let it Go” from the movie Frozen.

Damn that song.

I think this guy could have asked me to marry him and I might have said yes. I probably would have just nodded if I could regain control of my neck. Damn.

“You okay?” he asked.

“No,” I replied.

Braden was wiping his face and once again I couldn’t help thinking…

Payback is a bitch.

You’d think that would’ve been the end of our little escapade. The park was closing in less than thirty minutes. It was nearly empty. We both came. Life was great. Then, as he helped me fetch my clothes, he adjusted his bulge in his pants and said,

“I’m so fucking hard right now. I can’t believe you’re able to do this to me.”

And somehow, believe it or not, I remembered how bad I wanted him inside me, not just his tongue. No, I wanted HIM inside of me. Fully inside of me. Like all the way.

“Take off your pants,” I told him. “Let’s finish this right.”

He brought my skirt to me and then held me in his arms like we were about to start a slow dance right there in the woods.

“You’re gorgeous,” he said.

I put my head down, knowing I was showcasing my trademark rosy red cheeks.

“You’re not so bad yourself,” I replied.

“I mean this in the most romantic of ways,” he said, and somehow I knew what he was about to say wasn’t going to sound very romantic at all. “You make my cock throb. Like seriously ache. Do you believe in two people sharing something? Because I felt something, I don’t know what, but something when I saw you in your apartment.”

“It’s called manliness. You’re all horn balls,” I said.

He laughed.

“Maybe that’s it. But I will never let myself forgive myself, if I don’t feel what it’s like to be inside you.”

Um, hello, I just gave you an invitation.


“We have a little bit of time left,” he reminded me. “I have an idea. Let’s make this unforgettable.”

Oh it already is, Sir. It already is.

I shook my head in disbelief as I allowed myself to be dressed by this man and then led away once again. All I knew was I was going to sleep good tonight with or without him.

We passed the House of Mirrors and the Tilt-A-Whirl. We passed our secret playground rendezvous spot. We made our way around the carnival games where even the attendants had called it a night. We cut through the snack tables where we’d eaten funnel cakes earlier and then I realized where he was taking me.

The motherfucking Ferris wheel. Oh hell no.

“You’re not taking me to that thing are you?” I asked as I pointed at the gigantic multicolored wheel that loomed over us.

“Have you ever done it in a Ferris wheel before?” he asked me.