Feed me, Seymour.

This one was nice, smooth, and handsome like its owner. I took it in my hand, wrapping my fingers around it at the base, and squeezed it. It stuck up out of my balled up fist. I put my other fist around it and it didn’t quite reach through the second.

I looked up at Braden and he was watching me. I gave his cock a squeeze, and as I did, I could feel it pulsating. It had gotten harder since its release.

My pussy yearned for it, I’m not gonna lie. I was dripping as I held it in my fist. I imagined holding it steady while I lowered myself down onto it, his hands gripping the hard metal seat while his cock slid into me inch by inch.

I began to stroke it, moving my hand up gently then down a little harder. Up softly then down making sure to stretch the skin to its breaking point. And Braden moaned with each downward thrust.

I rolled my fingers around the way I had over his briefs, but this time I made sure to put pressure at the spot just below the head, giving a final squeeze with each roll. I rubbed at his head with

my thumb, using his pre-come to make it slick enough to really play with. I found the crease at the back of the head, right at the top of the vein, and rubbed there, his slippery cock tensing as I worked it.

The half-shell spun a little faster and faster. I wasn’t a fan of moving, spinning things. For some reason I thought this ride stayed a little more still. Suddenly I felt us getting thrown to one end of the platform then yanked back, gravity grabbing hold, and I tugged on his member.

It might’ve hurt, probably should have, but he loved it.

“Oh shit,” he said just above a whisper.

I stroked it up and down, making sure to put emphasis on the upswing, fisting the head of his dick where so many nerve endings seemed to be. His eyes opened as he lit up and lifted his ass off his seat again.

“You like that?”

“I fucking love it!”

Our cart was yanked to the edge of the platform again. I pulled hard and as we got pulled in the opposite direction, I went with it, letting the ride’s natural movement do a lot of the work for me.

“Fuck!” he said.

I wasn’t worried about anyone hearing us as the others on the ride were screaming and squealing too.

As the cart tossed us back and forth, I vigorously rocked his cock, jerking it up and down. He moaned. I stopped jerking and dug my fingernails into the vein at the bottom of his shaft.

“Argh,” he yelled and we were whipped around again.

I wasn’t sure if it hurt him or if he loved it. At the moment, I didn’t even care.

His dick was dry and I suddenly realized if I hurt him it would make things suck terribly for me later. With that thought, I spit in my hand and wrapped it around his shaft. I stroked up and down, up and down.

As the ride began to slow down, I brought my hand up to just below the head and grabbed him hard. Without moving my hand, I put pressure on the head while I rubbed my thumb over the hole.

I thought he was going to lose it.

“I’m gonna come,” he announced.

I let go.

“No, don’t. Not yet. I’m ready for my next request,” I said.

Braden yanked his underwear and his pants up. His fingers looked numb as they fumbled with his belt. I wanted to laugh as I helped him fasten it. He was like a newborn calf with wobbly knees. I snatched up my bra and bundled it up in my torn dress top with my Skid Row memorabilia.

I took the lead and led Braden from the Tilt-A-Whirl straight to our next location. The House of Mirrors. Most of the people left in the carnival seemed to be at the rollercoaster or the Haunted House next door. The House of Mirrors was empty…perfect.

“You still have tickets?” I asked.

“I do,” he said, still seeming a bit out of breath.

“Then pay the woman,” I said as I nodded my head at the female attendant.