“That’s the most ridiculously adorable frown I’ve ever seen, young lady. You really want one of these cheesy mirrors?”

I nodded. “I do.”

Braden was already fishing his wallet out of his pocket, ready to pay whatever price he needed to, when the attendant held his hand out at the row of mirrored plaques.

“Go ahead. Choose one. I’m guessing you’re a G&R kinda girl,” he said as he immediately reached for the Guns and Roses one.

“Nope,” I argued. “Sebastian Bach all the way.”

When he laughed his gut shook.

“Haven’t heard that in a long long time,” he said as he snatched up my undeserved prize and handed it to me.

The night was turning out okay, but it wasn’t exactly smoldering. Where was all the steamy romance I’d been promised in the car? We were running out of time. Finally, as we walked away from the dart game, Braden called in his first request.

“I want to give you an ice bath,” he said.


That was totally unexpected. An ice bath?

How the hell are we…what is he…what the fuck?

Mentally, I smacked a palm to my forehead, while physically I think I just looked up at the sky trying to figure out what he was thinking.

This may be the last time I let Susie or Vince choose my date.

“Okay…” was all I could think to say. I made sure to drag the “y” out at the end to make sure he knew I wasn’t a hundred percent into this.

He pulled me over towards an empty playground, shrouded in darkness. All the little kids had left the carnival long ago and it seemed we were the only adults willing to spend a little time on the slides and swings.

“Aren’t the fun rides thataway?” I asked.


Good answer.

Braden led me to the slide, a wide one that was bright yellow in the moonlight and only stood about four feet high.

“Lie back,” he told me.

I was happy to oblige.

He set his soda cup down on the platform next to us and leaned forward in a push up position over my body. It was really dark but I could see the silhouette of his face and hair while I felt the cold plastic of the slide against my ass. The thin fabric of my dress and panties did little to keep me warm. I needed Braden to heat things up and fast.

The wind blew a little and the cold air caused goosebumps to rise on my arms. Far off in the distance I could hear people screaming on the rollercoaster, the last remaining daredevils getting all they could for their money before closing time. Here I was about to do the same.

I wanted him to kiss me. That’s how I expected this to start. I wanted to feel his lips against mine and feel our tongues intertwine. But Braden didn’t meet me as I’d hoped. Instead, he dipped down lower and put his nose against my navel. He inhaled and slid down a little farther so that his chin rested against my dress, right against my clit.

I felt a shudder run through my body. I glanced down and as my eyes adjusted to the darkness I could see him looking up at me. I lifted one leg and wrapped it around his waist, digging my heel into his side, trying to hint that I wanted more than

his chin between my legs.

This on again off again thing was driving me crazy. I didn’t know how much more my heart could take or how much wetter I could get.

A woman’s pussy does get angry you know? For real. Mine once decided to dry up and…