“I don’t.”

“I want you so bad right now. I want to get out, bend you over the hood, and take you right here on the highway.”

“Yes,” I agreed.

That would be one hell of a plan.

He bit his bottom lip and rapped his knuckles against the window. He seemed a bit frustrated but then he looked me in the eyes and that blue metallic sheen on them seemed to sparkle.

“We could do that,” he said “but then it would be over too quickly. You deserve more than this, not just what any other guy would do. I’m going to show you something different tonight. Let’s do this right.”

“Are you inviting me back to your place?” I asked, hoping, wishing that would be the case.

“Not quite. Want to hear one of my favorite questions from the game?”

Okay, this might be interesting.

I kissed him again, this time letting my tongue seep out just a bit. He did the same but he refused to just let it go. He held back.

Damn him for holding back.

“Ask me,” I said.

“Have you ever had sex in a public place?”

Oh man, yeah, this was going to get interesting.

“Not really. In a sauna once but no one else was in there.”

He smiled and cocked an eyebrow. “A sauna? Nice.”

“Look, I don’t really want to go to a public place. Just take me somewhere private.”

I want to fuck you, you idiot.

But simple sex wasn’t the only thing he had in mind. He wanted this night to last and he had quickly formed an idea in his head. He’d planned a night that would drive me wild.

“No, private won’t do,” he said.

“So where are you taking me?”

“Where we were going in the first place, to the carnival.”

“I really don’t want to go to the fair,” I said.

He reached up under my skirt, palmed my pussy, and said, “Trust me. You do.”

And suddenly I did.

Act 2 – The Game’s Randy

We reached the fair shortly after. The rest of the ride had been nice, but nowhere near as heated as before. I kept my hand on his thigh and he let his finger circle my bare knee. I wouldn’t call it sexy, but it seemed to serve as a reminder that good things were to come.

When we arrived at the fair parking lot, the place was surprisingly empty. Then I remembered it was Sunday and it was after nine o’clock. Families were leaving. Men walked with baby carriers over their chests and women pushed strollers. Brothers and sisters held hands.

Young teenagers giggled in the parking lot, little girls sure their crush was “the one.” The boys did their best to be the young studs these little lasses wanted them to be. It seemed everyone wore either super skinny jeans or very baggy ones. Apparently there was no room for the in-between.

As we stood in line to buy tickets, I caught one girl, maybe eighteen, glancing at Braden out of the corner of her eye. It didn’t happen once, but two…three…four times at least.