He stepped on the gas. The car accelerated to nearly the speed of my heart.

I reached out again and put my hand on his thigh. I gripped it nervously, his muscular leg not giving me much slack to hold onto. This time the car didn’t swerve. It didn’t budge. It just raced forward, picking up speed.

I slowly let my hand drift closer to his zipper. I was trying to be suave about it, leaning over little by little. Then he helped me. He picked up my hand and placed it on his cock, right where I’d wanted it in the first place.

Only the thin fabric of his slacks and whatever underwear he had on beneath blocked the skin of my hand from the flesh of his member. I grabbed it, doing a little mental measurement and liking the sum I came up with. He wasn’t hard, not fully, and even halfway there it was a nice handful.

And the car continued to pick up speed. We were flying down the highway. Everything outside whizzed by.

“You surprise me,” he said.

“Do you like surprises?” I asked, moving my hand a little and feeling him stiffen in my grasp.

“When they come in beautiful packages.

Faster we went. I began to get a little bit frightened. We were going way too fast for him to have so much attention on me.

“The problem is…I get greedy…and when a beautiful package comes in too much wrapping, I want to rip it off.”

I ran a finger of my right hand around the nipple area of my dress, while my left hand held onto him, and stroked him over his pants. He was getting bigger and soon I was sliding my hand back and forth, unable to touch it all with one hand length.

My imagination jumped into gear and I could see us later in the night, this growing cock expanding inside of me.

“You want to rip it off?” I teased.

“Yes,” he said. “Now.”

He slammed on the brakes. The car slid and he grabbed me with his right arm, holding me tightly against him while he controlled the wheel with his left. I grabbed his dick so hard I think I might’ve hurt him.

Before the car came to a complete stop, I’d launched myself at him. I straddled him in his seat, grabbed the back of his head, and our faces collided. His lips pressed against mine viciously. We were clumsy but so hot for each other it didn’t matter.

I wanted his tongue to pass my lips but they didn’t. Only lips. Beautiful, soft, feverish lips, but still…just lips.

Fucking kiss me.

I reached for his zipper, desperate to pull him out of his fabric restraints, but he put his hand on top of mine and stopped it.

Is this rejection? Oh God I hope not. I don’t know if I can handle it.

“Wait,” he said.

“Wait?” I asked, confused.

Wait for what, we almost died on the highway just now.

I wanted to yell it at him.

“This is too easy,” he said.

Whoa. I know he did not just call me easy.

“You motherfucker,” I said as I yanked away.

He gripped my ass, tight, nails and all, and forced me back on top of him. His grip spread my pussy inside my panties and it hurt just a little. For a second I thought he might take me right there in the car and I silently begged him to.


nbsp; “You don’t understand,” he said.