
I’ve been writing for a long time and I’ve been searching for an audience ever since I began. Writing erotica is something fairly new to me and I just have to say that I’ve found some of the warmest, friendliest, caring readers and some of the coolest author friends since switching to this genre. You guys are amazing. I wish all work could be this fun and fulfilling.

As always, I need to thank my family, my wife and kids, who allow me to spend so much time at the computer. If I didn’t have the time to write and the time to communicate with my fans, I’d fall apart.

*Mandy is a fictional character who fully understands the need to use protection during sex. She ALWAYS uses contraceptives. If it is not mentioned in the story it is only to prevent the slowing down of the story or interruption to the fantasy element. Have fun and be safe!*

Act 1 – The Name’s Mandy

I’d never ridden anyone on a Ferris wheel before that night. My fear of heights and my nails digging into his back only intensified the moment.

Let me back up and start from the beginning.

I love sex…when it’s with the right person. This doesn’t make me a whore, right? I think it makes me normal. And back then I hadn’t been with the right person since Mark so I was seriously missing it.

The day started like any other, only hornier. I’ve found that after a relationship, I’m good for a while. I can hang in there. As my friend Ben always says in his slightly clogged-nose, David Schwimmer sounding voice, “Freeball it for awhile, Mandy, just let the balls hang free, no constraints. Relationships are overrated.”

I’m capable of that—freeballing it—temporarily. Here’s a play by play of how my “no constraints” lifestyle usually goes.

At about the month mark I feel a little bit lonely. You know what I mean, the “that must be nice” internal dialogue when I see a couple holding hands at the mall. Romantic comedies make me kind of sad, but I like to watch ‘em.

Seeing Keira Knightley stand there unresponsive in Love Actually while her suitor waits outside her front door with that freakin’ sexy puppy dog look on his face and the sign that reads: To me, you are PERFECT. That bothers me a little bit. But I’ll be okay.

At the two-month mark I start to miss the feeling of a passionate kiss. I’ve always liked making out, the grind of cloth on cloth, a man’s jeans pressing hard against the crotch of mine. I enjoy knowing the next step leads to penetration, but also knowing that I have the power to stop it from going that far.

TV shows bother me a bit, especially the hospital dramas where everyone on staff is hooking up in either surgical rooms or bedpan closets. I’ve only had one hot doctor in my whole life and he was my pediatrician. I’m not a perv. I was sixteen for cryin’ out loud. Get your mind out of the gutter.

On second thought, keep it there. You might need your galoshes to make it through this story.

Finally, at the three-month mark, I want to fuck. Just throwin’ it out there. I wouldn’t say it out loud unless I was hanging with my girls, but it’s the truth. This is the stage where I find myself late-night surfing Cinemax, fast forwarding DVDs of Sex and the City in desperate search for the “Samantha” parts, and contemplating ordering porn on pay-per-view. I wouldn’t even hesitate if it wouldn’t show up on my cable bill.

I can’t be alone in this. I’ve talked it over with my two best friends, Susie and Jill, and we’ve come to the conclusion that any girl newly single starts to seriously miss pulse-pounding, clit-tingling, shaft-riding sex right around the three-month mark.

If you find me vulgar, you should back off now, ‘cause this is going to get intense. I’m about to explain one of the most riveting nights of my life and I don’t feel like holding back. After all, this is the night that changed me. For the better? I don’t know. For the worse? Maybe. But it was definitely a pivotal point in becoming the “New Mandy.”

Still there? Good. Let me explain how it happened. As I said before, the day started like any other, but I was heading into the fifth post-relationship month. I went to the beach early that morning with my roommate, Susie, and her boyfriend, Vince. They’re both surfers and I just like to jog. I was taking a break when Vince came out of the water and lay down on the sand. I saw him but went back to stretching, legs open out, my head tilted back.

“Hamstrings again?” I heard the familiar raspy voice of Vince call out.

I lifted my head to see him staring at me. Vince is a good-looking guy, the typical surfer with long hair and an unshaven face. Kind of a big nose, but a smile that outshines the schnoz. His grin was directed at me, which you’d think would make for an uncomfortable moment, but something about him always cut out all awkwardness. He was like a sexy stepbrother or something.

“You know, Mandy, you are smokin’ hot,” he said.

I returned my gaze to the sky not wanting him to see me blush. I was known for my rosy cheeks and got made fun of whenever I was embarrassed. This was sure to be one of those times.

“I’ve been talkin’ to Susie and I think she might be down for…”

“Not gonna happen, Vince,” I said with a snigger.

He’d been trying to hook up a threesome forever. I finally felt the shame drain from my cheeks and looked over to see he’d turned to face me and was sitting with his knees up. Through his board shorts I could see the soft, pillow like bulge of his balls.

“Mandy,” he said. “It could be really fun. Just fun. No strings.”

If this had been the first time we’d had this discussion, and if I hadn’t known him since college, I surely would’ve been offended. Instead it was just normal. As normal as him leaving the toilet seat up every time he visited our apartment. Just an everyday nuisance.

Behind him, Susie was paddling out in the water, waiting for her chance at the next wave.

Vince cleared his throat and when I glanced at him, he reached down and adjusted himself, purposely grabbing his semi-erect cock with his whole hand. It was wider than I’d expected…not that I’d spent a lot of time expecting.

But damn, it’s big. Nice. Now I see what all the moaning is about.

He laughed and I realized I was gawking. Nothing brings you back to reality like the realization that you were just eye fucking your best friend’s boyfriend and he caught you doing it.

And I knew I was blushing. I could feel my cheeks start to burn again.

Vince laughed.

“The offer’s always on the table,” he said as he turned back to his girlfriend on the water.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. How embarrassing. And yes, it hit me again that I needed to get fucked. And knowing that Susie and Vince were going to have sex sometime that day bothered me a little bit

. I wasn’t jealous, not of their relationship. I just wished it were me that would be hooking up later at our apartment or maybe even in the car. Knowing them, it might even happen right there on the secluded beach. Wouldn’t be the first time.

Susie and Vince were pros at the bikini-to-the-side, towel tickle. That’s what I called it. The towel tickle. They’d have a towel draped over them and would play around as if just joking and tickling each other. Anyone who didn’t know them might not realize what was going on under there, but I knew Susie’s eyes-rolling-back expression wasn’t her attempt to hold back laughter and the ape-like noise Vince made wasn’t the tickle monster.

“I love her you know?” Vince announced.

“I know, Vince. She knows too.”

“I just don’t want you to think…”

“Vince, you’re a horn ball, but you’re not a cheater. I know.”

“Yeah. Hey, you planning to go to the fair tonight?”