Rafe smiled at her and parted his lips to speak, his words lingering there in his throat, and she knew he was about to say something sweet. The sparkle in his eyes told her as much.

“Hey!” Kane yelled. “Where’s Thane? We need to talk!”

Rafe turned to look back at his boss and it completely stripped the moment away. Kalina wanted so badly to hear his answer, but it didn’t seem like that was going to happen. If she asked him again, it would seem desperate. Kane had given her one more reason to despise him.

“He’s not here!” Kalina yelled. “He’ll be back in a little while. He went to mainland with Penny!”

“I need to talk to him about those attacks!” Kane yelled.

“I’ll tell him when he gets back!” she replied.

She turned to look at Rafe and repeated her words softly, “I’ll tell him when he gets back.”

Her words drifted on the breeze and weren’t meant for him. They were the result of her attention being yanked back to the one man on the planet she wanted to save her words for. Her mouth let them slip out while her mind was trying to catch up with her heart.

“Come out with me tonight,” Rafe said.

“Where?” she asked.

“Come on, lover boy!” Kane said. “We came to the island, we saw what it has to offer, and now we need to go back to work. Seems we have some sharks to hunt.”

“Umm…I’m kind of new around here,” he said, “but Tilly’s seems like a pretty cool place. Is that okay with you?”

“I like Tilly’s,” she agreed.

“Seven?” he asked.

“Perfect,” she said as she leaned forward and kissed his cheek.

He turned and rushed back to the boat, sloshing through the water. He turned back once to look at her and she waved. He reached the boat quickly and Kane had the boat speeding off in no time.

“Seriously?” Faith asked as she walked over to Kalina.


“Did he ask you to the school formal?”

“I wish.”

“How old are you again? You need to be fucked. Like royally fucked.”

“No,” Kalina disagreed. “I need to be loved.”

Faith reached down, picked up a fistful of sand and tossed it at her. It thudded off her chest and fell to the ground.

“Cheese ball,” Faith said.

“No, you didn’t,” Kalina said. “You didn’t throw sand at me.”

“And if I did?” Faith asked. “You gonna throw some corny lines my way? Maybe bore me to death with ideas of true love and the meaning of life?”

“Fuck you!” Kalina said as she reached down for some sand.

Faith ran and Kalina chased after her. This was one of those moments where Kalina enjoyed the present. She wasn’t trying to understand the past and she wasn’t hoping for the future. She was simply sprinting barefoot down the beach, chasing after her friend.

When Faith froze in her tracks, Kalina was forced to skid to a stop herself. Then she saw the reason her friend had opted to let Kalina slap a squished-up ball of sand against her back. There, stepping out of the ocean and making his way onto the beach was one of the most powerful looking men Kalina had ever seen in her life.

His head was shaved bald with only the faintest of shadow coming back to it. His face was stern, and his chin was square. His skin was pale, nearly white, and his chest was thick, wide, massive. His legs were the size of tree trunks and his cock, his cock dangled down between his legs and was damn near the size of a traffic cone. The thing was unbelievably big. The guy