He was about to let loose and once that was done, it would be too late.

“This is going to hurt,” he told her.

She closed her eyes.

“I’m ready,” she said.

He opened his mouth, and as his cock began to pulsate inside her, he shifted only enough so that his teeth became razor sharp and then he bit down into her shoulder. She screamed. He knew how painful it would be, but he couldn’t let go now. Like the way sharks fuck underwater, she was his prey right now, and nothing mattered except his need to come inside her.

Forcing her onto her back, his teeth still clenched in her shoulder, he licked at the blood as it ran down her arm and onto the sand. With her still in his grasp, he used that grip he had with his mouth to hold her still as his cock grew another two inches. She cried out and screamed and slapped his back and tried to kick her feet, but his giant member was buried inside her. And his teeth would not let go. They never would, not until he’d finished his orgasm.

“Oh God!” she yelled. “Please!”

“You wanted this,” he reminded her through clenched teeth.

“I do!” she replied. “Keep going. Oww fuck!”

She lifted her legs and wrapped them around his waist, giving him better access to her, and he continued to drill into her, pounding away at her pussy, as he held onto her shoulder. His cock began to tremble, and then finally he let loose. She became drenched in cum as he exploded inside her, a mixture of human with a tiny bit of shark semen, just enough to turn her.


It couldn’t be possible. He was already so deep and then he seemed to get bigger. It was as if his cock grew inside her. It hurt so bad but felt so fucking good. The pain in her shoulder was immense, but she knew what she was getting herself into, so she held on and accepted it. She loved the aggressiveness, the raw desire he showed when he put her on her back and slammed his cock into her. It made her feel wanted.

When he began to twitch inside her, she knew it was coming. This was almost over and then what? She could think about that later because right now was…

Ohhhh. Ohhh shit. Ohhh yaaaaassssss!

Warmth filled her insides as Thane’s cum filled her, coating the inside of her pussy and dripping down over his cock. It was different from anything she’d ever experienced before. As if it contained some sort of drug, she was in an instant state of euphoria. She couldn’t concentrate. She could only lie back and enjoy. She was numb, yet she felt everything. More than everything.

When Thane pulled his teeth off her, she lifted her head and cried out in pain. Then her head fell back and the throbbing in her shoulder seemed to trigger a new sense of ecstasy. She felt the blood running down but she didn’t care. Her mind was in a different place, and if given the option, she would choose to stay there forever.

Penny felt the wind through the trees and the bugs landing on leaves and the fish swimming through water. She felt the shooting star that shot across the sky and the baby kicking from within Ruby’s stomach. She felt joy and pain and laughter and rage and even a mixture of emotions all at once. Something was changing inside her. Her senses became stronger. Where before, she’d felt his cock inside her, now she could feel every cell of her pussy as his cock slid in and rubbed against her.

What’s happening to me?

“Thane?!” she called out. “What’s happening?”

“Ride it,” he said. “Enjoy it. It’s part of the process.”

She wanted to lie back and enjoy it, but that felt selfish, so she pulled away from him, pushed him onto his back, and sat on his cock. She wanted to ride him through this. To feel him deeper inside. He continued to come inside, and each drop sent her deeper and deeper into a strange state of being. She laughed at nothing funny, and she loved the feel of her hands on her own body. She played with her tits, rubbing at her nipples as she continued to fuck him.

“It feels so good,” she said.

“You’re becoming like me,” he said.

She laughed and giggled, and she never stopped fucking. She wouldn’t dare. She wanted this feeling to last forever.

“Tell me you love me,” she said, trying to stifle her laughter.

“I love you,” Thane said as he bucked his hips, so he could fuck her harder.

She looked at her shoulder and saw that it was caked in blood. Normally, she would have freaked out, but whatever his cum contained had her so fucking high she couldn’t worry about shit like that. She continued to sit on his cock and fuck him until she blacked out.

Chapter 10

“You’re fucking kidding,” Sylvia exclaimed as she looked at Penny with a slack-jawed expression.

“I’m dead serious,” Penny replied. “Look at my shoulder.”