She wouldn’t be able to stand in her current condition, so he lay her on her back and climbed between her legs. Her eyes rolled back as she rode another wave of orgasm rocking through her body. She tried to speak to him but what came out wasn’t any language he’d heard of. She was practically speaking in tongues.

Thane slid his hands under her shoulders, so he could grip them from underneath and hold her tightly. Then, he slid his cock into her. She was so fucking wet he barely had to push. Her pussy opened right up for him. He entered her once, only about halfway before he pulled back.

“Do you want it again?” he asked her.

She couldn’t speak. Penny could only nod her head eagerly. Thane reached up and grabbed the bite mark on her shoulder, pressing on it hard and pulling her onto his cock, driving into her as deeply as he could. Her legs shook, and her knees slammed against his body as she bucked her hips and cursed and practically spat on him. It was as if she’d gone into a seizure.

“I can’t!” she said. “I can’t take it.”

She could take more. So he pushed on her shoulder and drove into her again. Her head lifted off the bed and her eyes shot open, mouth wide, her voice caught in her throat. She was still in that position when he pulled out and did it again. Her head crashed back down to the mattress and a growl rattled through her throat as Thane kept fucking her. Now she’d had enough. To use the mark any more might hurt her. She could only take so much. So he fucked her some more, and she lay there weak and powerless, all smiles, as he kept going until his cock burst inside her. He stayed there, comfortable with his cock in her pussy and content with the way she held him tight against her body. They stayed like that until his cock went limp and slipped out.

When the boat docked, and J.D. called out to them that they’d arrived, neither moved. They’d fallen asleep together, him on his back and her resting against his chest. Thane knew he needed to get to the island and warn everyone, but at least for a little while, he wanted to soak up the feeling of her naked body against his. The sound of her breathing soothed his racing mind and calmed his nerves.

Chapter 11

Hailey was her only supporter. All the others agreed that it would be better if she left the island. At least until everything blew over with Keelan and Evelyn. The sun would be going down soon, and Penny thought they’d at least wait until the following day. She’d barely gotten off the boat when talk turned to putting her back on it.

“I’m sorry, babe,” Kino told her, “but Evelyn wants you dead, especially after what you did to her the other night. She could easily cause a diversion that would get Thane off this island and then she could strike. It’s her way.”

Penny knew he was right, but she didn’t think running away was the solution.

“Where would you have me go?” Penny asked. “Any place you could go would need to be near the ocean and if you could go there, so could Evelyn. So could Keelan for that matter. I’m not a chicken shit. I’d rather stay and face her.”

Of course, she was afraid of the woman. Who wouldn’t be? She was everything Penny was not. She was sexy, clever, menacing, and strong as hell.

“For now, maybe you can catch that plane with Sylvia tomorrow,” Thane said. “Go home. I promise it won’t be for good. Let me take care of things here.”

“Are you fucking kidding me?” Penny asked. “No way. I’m not leaving you like that.”

“This isn’t up for discussion,” Thane said. “In any other situation, I would let you have your say, and I would honor your opinion, but this i

s about your safety…”

“…and it’s about a world you know nothing about,” Kino added.

“It’s about keeping our leader’s mate safe,” Kalina said. “And my new friend. He will bring you back after. You have to trust that he will.”

Penny couldn’t argue with their logic. If she stayed on the island, Evelyn could use her to hurt Thane. Yet, she didn’t want to leave his side. A good mate never leaves her other half. How would she prove her strength if she ran away at the first sign of trouble?

“Please,” Thane said as he walked up behind her and set his chin against her shoulder.

For a second, she thought he was going to press on the mark again and she flinched with memories of how great that felt. She wouldn’t want to lose it here in front of the others though.

Not here. Oh, how fucking embarrassing that would be. Might be worth it. But…no. Not here.

“You could see this as an opportunity to wrap up your affairs back home,” Ruby told her. “Think about it. You kind of need to do that anyway. Even if you don’t have much to do back home, you’ll feel much better knowing you said goodbye to everyone and brought some things back with you.”

Ruby’s point made sense. She’d been so excited to embark on this new journey with Thane and the rest of her new family that she hadn’t thought about the simple things she should take care of back home. Her apartment, her clothes, her car…none of that really mattered. She could ditch it all and be fine. But there were some important things she could imagine doing. She could have a final drink with Sylvia and say goodbye to Nora, the older woman who lived two doors down from her. They’d developed a bit of a friendship over the years. She could pet Amber, the beautiful husky that always beamed when it saw her passing on the street, one final time. That dog had cheered her up many times when she was feeling down. At least a dozen other things ran through her mind.

“Okay,” she said. “I’ll give you a week, tops, and then I’m on my way back to Queensland. If you don’t pick me up, I’ll jump in the ocean, shift for the first time, and fight through the pain so I can come back to this island and kick your fucking ass.”

“Feisty one,” Kino said as he put his arm around Ruby.

“I love her,” Ruby said.

“It’s settled then,” Thane said. “Let’s go back to the boat. I’ll ride on board with you. Can the rest of you ride alongside us in the water, in case Evelyn or Keelan try anything on the way back? This seems too easy. They might try something, and if they do, I want to be prepared.”

“You got it,” Jagger said.