“Yeah,” she said. “Shark sperm. It stings a little, but then…well…it’s nice.”

“Nice?” Penny asked. “You’re just going to leave me hanging like that?”

“Well,” Ruby replied. “If you’re serious about this, maybe you’ll find out for yourself.”

Ruby stopped talking and her expression changed. She sniffed the air.

“Get behind me,” she told Penny. “Quickly.”

Kalina, Jagger, Hailey, Oliver, and Poet all lined up next to her, shielding Penny. Out of the water crawled five naked bodies, on their hands and knees, looking like dead things approaching the beach. As they reached the dry sand, they stood up, and Penny saw that Evelyn was out in the front.

She approached the campfire, her long black hair hanging down over her tits, her body as tight and toned as Penny had imagined. Her pussy was shaved into a racing stripe. Penny couldn’t imagine stepping out in front of others completely naked. Then she was drawn to the men around Evelyn. Each was totally naked, his cock swinging. Men of all sizes, gigantic to small cocks. None of them seemed to care about being naked. When she saw that Axel was one of them, the guy who’d pushed her off the boat, she nearly lost it, but she knew she needed to keep her cool.

“Evelyn,” Ruby said. “You’re not welcome here. You know that.”

“Where’s your fearless leader?” she replied.

She threw her wet hair over her shoulders, exposing her bare tits.

“Is that…is that his pet?” Evelyn asked, standing up on her toes to try and look past the others. “It is, isn’t it? Well, she seems to have healed quickly. Left you a few scars to remember me by, huh babe?”

Penny hated the woman for what she’d done to her and she couldn’t stop the anger growing inside. Penny might not have been the biggest of women, but she wasn’t a coward, and she wouldn’t be talked to like one.

“I’m nobody’s pet,” Penny said.

“Shh,” Kalina said as she looked back at Penny.

“She’s got some spirit,” Evelyn said. “Maybe I should rip that right out of her.”

Evelyn’s face turned so cold, so quickly, that Penny was worried she’d gotten herself into something she wouldn’t be able to handle. Yet, she was already sick, and her body wasn’t going to last much longer. This woman had more to lose than Penny, so she decided to speak her mind.

“We came here to try and form a truce,” Evelyn said.

“A truce?” Ruby asked, followed by a chuckle. “You’d never do that.”

“We should stop fighting,” Evelyn said. “We can put an end to our squabble and focus on the one thing that matters…keeping the humans out of the water. This is our home. They don’t belong here.”

“And there she goes again,” Hailey said.

“Just go, Evelyn,” Jagger said. “You’re not wanted here. You know we’re not going to make that deal with you so you’re wasting your time. Get off our island.”

“Your island?” Evelyn said and scoffed. “This was my island long before you got here, you fucking half-breed. You’re no better than this tramp.”

Evelyn pointed at Penny and finally, all the anger pent up inside Penny reached the surface and came flowing out.

“Tramp?” Penny said. “You’ve got some fucking balls calling me that you dumb cunt. Especially after your lame ass sharks failed to kill me in the water. Looks to me like you’re nothing but a sorry ass leader with a team of fucking flunkies.”

“Oh, you are so fucking dead,” Evelyn said as she stepped closer.

Penny’s new shark shifter friends formed a solid wall in front of her.

“You won’t touch her,” Ruby said.

“Who’s gonna stop me?” Evelyn asked. “You, the knocked up one? Or the blonde hooker next to you? How about this Metallica wannabe half-breed or his negro dyke of a girlfriend? Or the gay pretty boy? Or the chubby monkey? How about the albino mute? Can anyone in this ragtag band of fuck ups oppose me?

She looked back at her men and laughed. They laughed along with her. Then Penny saw him. His face had been shrouded in the darkness, but he’d leaned to the side enough for moonlight to illuminate him and she saw that one of his eyes was missing. The flesh had been melted or regrown to cover the missing eye, but it had to be the shark that had attacked her that day in the water. Fear finally hit her, but so did rage.

“You,” Penny said as she pushed past the others and was about to walk past Evelyn when the female leader grabbed her arm in a strong grip. “You’re the asshole who bit my leg in the water!”