The glow she’s in


Controls her


She sheds like sin

Her eyes

They stole him

Her smile

The sweetest grin

Her heart

So swollen

She’s beauty

Both out and in

This my friends

Is why he chose her then

Now life begins

At a balanced spin”

Everyone remained silent. Penny’s heart fluttered in her chest.

Was that poem about me? Was it about Thane and me?

All eyes were on Penny, and she didn’t know what to say. All was silent except for the swoosh of the sea meeting the sand and the crackling of the fire.

“That was beautiful,” she said.

“Thank you,” Poet replied. “Maybe it’s not any good, but I write what I see.”

“Is it about me?” she whispered, barely audible at all.

Thane leaned in close to her ear and whispered to her, “Absolutely. You’re my queen now, if you want to be. But we can take things slow. No pressure. I’m here if you want me.”

Oh, I so fucking want you.

The words flowed through her mind, but she couldn’t speak them. She raised her glass and sipped from it, finally downing what was left of her drink. Before she could think to ask for another one, Rudy was ladling some out of a cooler and into her glass. She sipped from the refreshed drink and felt a throbbing between her legs that only came from a mix of relaxation and desire. She wanted to fuck Thane tonight. She would fuck Thane tonight. If he wanted her.

“It was a great poem,” Kalina said, raising her beer in Poet’s direction.

Penny thought she might have seen pain in her eyes, and again, she wondered about the history between Thane and her.


Her skin was there beneath his fingertips, only the thin fabric of the dress keeping him from reaching all the way to her clit and caressing it softly. Thane wanted to taste her so badly. He wanted to spread her legs and put her pussy in his mouth. His human side wanted to eat her as badly as his shark side. He could smell her, and he knew she was getting wet for him. Women could never hide their arousal from him.