The blond walked toward her. His dress jacket hung over a V-neck t-shirt that showed the upper portion of his tanned, very toned chest. A strip of black leather with small seashells dangled from his neck. As he grew nearer, she saw that his eyes were an icy blue. They looked as if the ocean itself had seeped in through his ears and settled at the back of his eyes. Like snow globes full of sea water, she wondered if she’d see the fluid in them if he leaned right.

“That guy’s an asshole,” the hunky blond said as he stepped in close to her and put his hand on the railing, uncomfortably close to hers.

Penny felt faint. This guy’s aura was strong too. So much testosterone on this yacht. Where was Sylvia? Now, she really needed her friend.

“I’m sorry?” Penny replied.

“Leaving you alone like that,” he said. “That’s an asshole move. If I’d been that close to you, for that long, that chick would have had to pry me off you with a crowbar. He left way too willingly.”

She felt her face go red. Thane was so much more relaxed in his flirting. This guy was more direct. He was going for it and she was so not prepared to keep up with this guy.

“Thank you,” Penny said.

“For what?” the guy asked.

“Just…that was sweet. Thank you.”

“Axel,” he said, holding his hand out for her to shake.

“Penny,” she replied, taking his.

He held her hand up to his lips and kissed her knuckles gently.


“Hug me and kiss my cheek,” Evelyn said as she wrapped her arms around Thane. “Don’t be rude.”

Thane went through the routine of acting like she was an old friend. He didn’t want to give her anything to use as an excuse to start a scene. She had no qualms with letting everyone on this ship know about her gifts, especially since she would love nothing more than to eat all of them. No leftovers.

“Yes, that would be great wouldn’t it?” she asked, verbally, letting him know that she’d heard his inner voice.

“What are you doing here?” he asked.

“Trying to win you back, baby,” she said.

“Cut the shit, Eve,” he said. “What are you up to?”

“I love it when you call me that,” she replied. “Do you remember what I used to call you?”

He rolled his eyes and turned to walk away. She grabbed his arm and pulled him in close, so she could whisper in his ear.

“Don’t you dare fucking walk away from me,” she hissed. “I could kill everyone on this yacht, have unimaginably wild sex in their slippery blood, and still sleep perfectly well tonight. You know that. I live for the blood and the fuck. That’s all. Don’t give me a reason to do it.”

Thane took a deep breath, wishing once again he had Kino by his side. He would have brought several of his brothers had he thought she would pull a stunt like this. How had she even known about this trip? How much did she know?

“She’s not the one for you,” Evelyn said. “Look at me.”

He looked at her. Their eyes locked and he knew she was trying to tame him the way she did all the other males. He had to admit, the sex with Evelyn had always been insanely great. There was nothing she wasn’t willing to do. The rougher it was, the more she liked it. But any good memory of hers was dashed against the wall when thoughts of the bad came back into view. She was a monster.

“You smell it don’t you?” Evelyn asked. “I know you do. I can. It’s practically making me nauseous.”

Thane knew what she was talking about, but she was exaggerating.

“She’s sick, Thane,” Evelyn said. “She’s actively looking for a shifter, hoping someone will cure her. Humans know all the rumors about our healing abilities. She wants to use you.”

“You’re wrong,” he said.

“Ask her,” she said. “Put her on the spot and ask her outright if that old wolf bitch told her about our abilities.”