Page 91 of Perverse Fantasies

“You certainly do,” I said, hammering my fingers up into her with as much force as I could muster to help slam the point home.

Karla let out a little yelp.

“Caught you by surprise there, didn’t I?” I asked.

“A little bit,” she admitted.

“Apparently I’m not quite as predictable as you’d thought.”

“Apparently not.”

My cock was harder than ever, but unfortunately still in my pants. I was tempted to yank it out but I know I wouldn’t be able to keep myself from sticking it in her. And once that happened I’d be that much closer to cumming, which I was trying to hold out on for as long as possible.

To help take my mind off my cock, I slid a third finger inside Karla’s pussy. She tried to bite down on her gasp of pleasure but wasn’t quick enough. It was good to know that she was still enjoying herself.

Moving my hand quickly in and out of Karla’s pussy, I finger-fucked her with more than a hint of aggression while she moaned and squirmed beneath me.

Every sound Karla made inspired me to bang her with more force, which meant pretty soon I was hammering my fingers inside her with everything I had. And then, once she started to get comfortable with three of fingers inside her, I forced my pinky in there too, making it four fingers total.

Karla reacted to this with a low, guttural moan and a series of high-pitched yelps.

“Shut your mouth,” I said, mostly just to see if I could catch her off guard. “I don’t want to hear you make a sound.”

When she continued moaning, I covered her mouth with my free hand while continuing to slam all four of my fingers into her pussy.

A short time later, I switched it up again, this time releasing her mouth and gripping her around the throat. Feeling power at Karla’s helplessness, I squeezed tighter, choking her while still banging away with fingers just as intensely as before.

Unable get any air into her lungs, Karla quickly started to fade. Her face was losing color and her legs were starting to weaken. But despite her body reacting to the lack of oxygen, her pussy was wetter than ever.

I released her throat a few seconds later. Her chest heaved as her body once again drew air. Her face regained its color and her eyes reopened, wider and filled with more excitement than ever.

Karla’s brush with unconsciousness appeared to have heightened her sensitivity, as an orgasm washed over her almost immediately. And then, right after it passed, she tried desperately to squirm out of my grip, shifting her lower body in an attempt to pull away my fingers out of her pussy.

“Where do you think you’re going?” I said, shifting my body along with hers. It was easy controlling her due to the constraints on her legs and arms. “There’s no trying to get away from me.”

But she didn’t stop, twisting her body some more in an attempt to escape.

“Come on,” I said, laughing at her hopeless plight. “I thought you said you could handle anything.”

Karla didn’t answer but she continued trying to force my fingers out of her pussy. But all she managed to do was turn herself around, putting her ass against the wall, which didn’t help her at all. In fact, it made things worse for her, as it gave me even more leverage to work with. I easily kept my fingers planted firmly inside her pussy, and even managed to continue banging her as she tried to squirm free.

Karla dropped her butt down onto the carpet, but I was prepared for that maneuver too, and dropped down right alongside her.

“I told you to stop trying to get away,” I said. “Now I’m going to make you pay for not listening to me.” I then started finger-fucking her even more aggressively to punish her for trying to escape.

Tears were pouring down Karla’s face but her eyes painted a different picture. They were wide open and filled with ecstasy.

“Please stop,” she says between deep breaths. “Please. I need . . . a break. Please!” Although the words said one thing, her tone said another. It was filled with pleasure, not pain.

“I thought you said you could handle whatever I could dish out,” I said, still not quitting even though my forearm was starting to burn.

“Not this,” Karla said, practically hyperventilating now. I was amazed she could still form words. “Not this. It feels . . . too . . . too good.”

“Too good? You want me to stop because it feels too good?”

“Yes!” she cried, her body shimmying as another orgasm ran through her system.

“You know how crazy that sounds, right?” I asked, still hammering away at her pussy with my fingers.