Page 85 of Perverse Fantasies

Chris does, licking her pussy with enthusiasm, up and down, sticking his tongue inside, doing everything Katrina likes.

“Not bad, not bad at all,” Katrina says. She takes ahold of her cock and strokes it while he works her snatch.

“Get your face in there,” she says after half a minute. “Bury your face in my sweet pussy.”

Chris complies, pressing his face deep in between her legs.

“That’s it, that’s what I’m talking about.” Katrina releases the hold on her cock and grabs the back of Chris’s head and pulls on it, smashing him even further into her. “Bury that tongue inside me,” she says. “Bury it deep inside my snatch.”

Chris strains, pushing his tongue as far into her as it will go. She helps by pushing her body forward while still pulling on the back of his head.

After a few more seconds, Katrina can feel Chris struggling but she doesn’t let up, wrapping her legs around the back of his head to keep him in place.

“Are you suffocating in there?” she says, her voice pleasant, taunting. “You want this promotion so fucking bad, don’t you? You’re a desperate little boy, trying so hard to please me.”

Chris is struggling even more now as his body becomes desperate for air.

“Yeah, that’s it, try and get away,” Katrina says, laughing and taunting him some more. “I love it when you fight for air.” She holds him in place for a few more seconds before letting him go free.

Chris’s head yanks back and he gasps. His face is covered in Katrina’s pussy juices and his eyes are watering but to his credit, he is smiling, although a bit sheepishly.

“You liked that, did you?” she asks. Then she looks down at his cock, which is rock hard. “Oh, you sure did like it,” she says, laughing. She reaches out and jams four fingers into his mouth and grips his chin tightly and pulls his face towards her. Leaning forward so their faces are only inches apart, she says, “You’re a good little boy, aren’t you?”

“Yeah,” Chris says, staring directly at her eyes.

“Yeah, you are?” Katrina says. She spits in his mouth and laughs. “You’re such a good little boy that you probably want me to do that again, don’t you?”

“Yes,” Chris says.

Katrina tilts her head and eyes him doubtfully.

“Yes please,” he says, putting more beg into his voice this time. “Give it to me again.”

This time, Katrina spits on his face and uses her hand to rub it in. She stands up from the couch. She pulls Chris up to his feet, then shoves him down onto the couch. This time, Katrina drops to her knees in front of Chris.

“Just to show you that I’m a good sport, I’ll return the favor for a little while,” she says. And with that, Katrina takes Chris’s cock in her mouth and starts to suck on it.

She doesn’t take things slow, bobbing up and down on his cock with restless abandon, getting it nice and wet and slobbery.

“I must admit something to you though,” she says, taking a break from his cock for a moment. “I’m doing thing for another reason too.”

“What’s that?” Chris asks.

“I need something to help me lube you up,” she says, pushing his legs back, exposing his asshole. “You know, to make things easier for you when I fuck your ass.”

Grinning like the devil, Katrina takes the saliva she’s been building up in her mouth and spits it onto Chris’s asshole. Then she starts to rub it in with her fingers, pressing on Chris’s anus but not yet penetrating him with her finger. “And saliva is great for that, don’t you think?”

Chris nods his head but doesn’t speak. From the look on his face he’s too afraid to.

“Oh, don’t worry,” Katrina says. “I bet you’ll like it. And even if you don’t, just remember what you’re doing it for.”

“The promotion,” he says.

“That’s right,” Katrina replies. Smiling, she goes back to work on his rock hard dick, blowing him mostly for the purposes of building saliva, but also getting o

ff on it a little bit too.

She sucks him off for another thirty seconds, building up copious amounts of saliva while she does so, spitting some onto his asshole, using some to lube up her fingers, and the rest to lube up her cock.