“How about right now?”
“Are you serious?”
Laughing, Shawna said, “Nah. Not tonight. It’s too late. But pretty soon though. One of these days I’m going to make you cum at least three times before I’m through with you.”
“I can’t wait,” Peter said.
“Neither can I,” she replied, standing up. “Now give me a kiss.”
She leaned in towards him but Peter quickly backed away. “Whoa, there,” he said. “Don’t get all crazy on me now.”
Laughing, she took another step towards him. Peter scurried away, almost tripping on a chair in the process, which just made her laugh harder.
“All right, all right,” she said. “I’ll let you slide on kissing me until I get cleaned up.”
“Thank you.”
“This time, at least,” Shawna said, still grinning.
She turned and headed towards the bathroom while Peter gathered their clothes, laughing under his breath all the while. He didn’t know what he’d done to deserve this, but he wasn’t going to question it. Every dog has it’s day. Or in his case, four days. The only question now what how much longer it would last. But he wasn’t worried. The way he saw it, every day was a bonus. He’d never been with a girl like Shawna before and he figured he never would after. Might as well just enjoy it as it came.
People ask me all the time if it bothers me that Vicki was in porn. Of course it doesn’t. Why would it?
The way I see it, a person’s past is their past. Nothing more. It’s not their present, it’s not their future. By its very definition it can’t be altered. Nor does it matter. It’s over and done with, so why stress over it?
When it comes to a past, everyone has one. And everyone has made mistakes in it. The key is to not make those same mistakes again. And how do you go about avoiding them? Easy. By talking about what led you to making them so you won’t make them again.
But for some reason everyone is always afraid of discussing their past with their significant others. Nobody ever talks to each other about their old relationships, their old boyfriends/girlfriends, about any of that stuff. I don’t understand it. It’s just like any secret; once it’s out in the open it loses all its power. So why not nip things in the bud? You’d be surprised how many laughs you can have trying to top your partner with the worst thing you’ve ever done. Or the biggest asshole/bitch you’ve ever dated. Or how you pathetically lusted after someone way out of your league and inevitably got shot down by them. Discussions like this are bonding experiences, they help us realize that we’re not so unlike everyone else. And they are essential to a healthy relationship.
Which takes us back to the question about Vicki being in porn and why I don’t have the slightest problem with it. It’s pretty simple, actually.
Vicki’s stint shooting porn doesn’t define her more than her shitty marriage does, or the first person she slept with. Nor, for that matter, does my shitty marriage and crappy relationships before that define me. Or who I slept with in college. These experiences have made us who we are, yes, but so what? Do you hate yourself so much that you have to hide the things that have molded you? Are you that ashamed of who you are?
Maybe. I don’t know. But I’m sure as hell not. I embrace my past, revel in it, enjoy reliving it. And I certainly don’t hide from it. Nor does Vicki hide from hers. Which is why I love her. In the immortal words of Popeye The Sailor Man, “I am who am and that’s all that I am.”
Anyone who’s got a problem with that can go fuck themselves.
I couldn’t sleep. Despite all the fucking and drinking we’d done over the past six hours, the Viagra kept my dick just hard enough that I knew I wouldn’t be able to get any rest until I took care of it one more time. Hopefully the last.
I looked over and saw that Vicki was sleeping soundly, so I climbed out of bed, slipped into a bathrobe and grabbed the laptop bag. I went downstairs so I wouldn’t disturb Vicki, sat down on the couch and opened the laptop. After a couple minutes of searching I had some porn streaming over the internet. I skipped to the middle of the scene to avoid all the foreplay. Right now I just wanted to get off quickly so my little man would relax and I could hopefully get some sleep.
Onscreen a tiny little blonde with gigantic fake tits was in the pro
cess of getting fucked by a young stud. She was on the bed, her legs spread open wide. He was pounding her with reckless abandon while she screamed loudly. I opened up the bathrobe and let my still hard cock out. But the scene wasn’t really doing much for me. The girl was too fake, the guy not really into it. There was no real heat. I skipped forward a little bit more and found what I was looking for. Now he was fucking her doggy style. Her fake screams had been replaced by a lower, more guttural grown that sounded very real indeed. The stud had toned down his eagerness and was pumping her more slowly. I began stroking my cock, slowly at first.
The stud started pounding her harder and the little blonde’s screams started up again. But this time they were legit. The guy reached out and grabbed a handful of her hair and yanked back on it. She screamed louder. Then he stuck his thumb in her ass. She screamed louder still. I started jerking my cock a little faster. This stuff was turning me on. Not nearly as much as fucking Vicki but it would do the trick. A few more minutes of this and hopefully I could finish up for the night and then hit the sack for real. A couple hours of sleep would feel real good right about now.
The action was starting to get hotter and hotter and I was getting closer and closer to finishing when I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. I looked over my shoulder and saw Vicki standing behind me. She was wearing nothing but a g-string and one of my t-shirts. She’d washed off all her makeup but she didn’t need it. She’s hot as hell without it, with her little freckled face making her look like she’s still in her teens. Her hair is mussed up which just takes the sexiness factor up a notch further. Just looking at her makes my cock even harder than it was just moments ago, which is quite a feat.
“What are you doing?” she asked, fighting off a yawn.
“What do you think I’m doing?” I said, a little smile playing on my lips.