Page 50 of Perverse Fantasies

“You’re damn right,” she said, her smile growing wider. “And I’m not even going to bother asking you how you feel about getting your asshole played with. I’m just going to do what I want with it. Or to it, should I say.”

“Uh-oh,” I said, trying to sound scared. But really I was ecstatic. I had no problem going that route; I had no issues with my manliness. The way I saw things, as long as I was with a women, anything goes.

“That’s right,” she said. “It’s going to be a long night for you next time,” Angelica said.

“I wouldn’t have it any other way,” I replied, smiling, changing up gears real quick, taking the seriousness down a notch. There was no longer reason to play games, at least not tonight, now that we were all through.

Apparently Angelica agreed. She broke out in a wide, genuine smile and her voice lost its hardcore edge. “I know you wouldn’t,” she said. “Which is the only reason why I know I can do it to you without it being a problem.”

“That’s exactly what I was thinking tonight,” I said. “You enjoyed yourself, right?”

“Immensely,” she replied. “And you?”

“It was awesome. But I think next time is going to be even better.”

“Yeah, you like being on the receiving end more, don’t you?”


“Me too, but it’s good to mix it up. Keep things fresh.”

“I totally agree,” I said.

We climbed to our feet and headed towards the shower. It was time to get cleaned up.



Before Amber was my “girlfriend” and before I even knew she was a pornstar, she was just a girl next door. A ridiculously hot girl next door who was house-sitting for her parents while they were away. This was towards the end of my senior year of high school, right before I went to college. What turned out to be the greatest couple days of my life.

After a couple of awkward episodes—including me nearly getting caught jerking off to her while she sunbathed naked in the backyard—episodes that I later learned were orchestrated by her, Amber offered me a proposition. It was an offer I couldn’t refuse: the opportunity to keep her busy while she was stuck at her parents house.

I jumped on it, literally, and for three days I spent pretty much every waking moment in her parent’s house, frolicking around with Amber.

We fucked at least three times per day every day, starting off relatively slowly at first but eventually getting pretty freaky. Nothing too ridiculous or out of control, just your basic multiple-position fuck sessions with a little bit of kinkiness thrown in, like the occasional deepthroat or a few minutes of facesitting.

It might not seem like much, but for an eighteen-year old kid who’d only had a few awkward experiences in bed it was a godsend. Not only did my time with Amber give me a newfound confidence, she taught me many things about what women liked and how to please them.

And then, just like that, it was over. Her parents came home early and after a final, formal date she went back to her life in sunny Southern California.

So ended the best three days of my life. But fortunately for me, it wasn’t the end of our relationship.

Over the next few months, up until I left for college, we saw each other occasionally, usually just for a couple hours of screwing around in a hotel room or something like that. Single sessions, nothing more. They were fun but they left me a bit hollow inside. Not because they felt like we didn’t have time to explore one another in detail, but because I always went in knowing we only had a couple of hours together, which filled me with a deep-rooted sense of longing even before I actually came into contact with her.

These sessions were freakier than the previous ones but not by much.

They were more like extensions of what we’d done earlier instead of branching out in new directions. Which was fine by me. Because Amber was so incredible in the sack, even the basics were elevated to dizzying heights. But still I felt as though something was missing. I wanted to continue getting freakier and freakier, but because we never had an extended period of time together it was just too difficult to really progress. No matter how comfortable you are with someone, it takes a little bit of time to truly relax in their presence. And this is doubly true when it comes to a normal guy like me and a someone like Amber.

She’s so ridiculously hot it literally takes my breath away every time I see her in person for the first time. No matter how I rationalize our relationship it’s still impossible to view her as just a normal person. She has such a strong presence, such a thereness about her that she makes you feel inferior, even though her demeanor is exactly the opposite.

Contrary to how most people think of pornstars, Amber actually an incredibly sweet girl, without any attitude whatsoever—except when she’s playing a role in bed, of course, then she can have all kinds of attitude. But in reality, she’s very down to earth. She always goes out of her way to make me feel comfortable, to play down her otherworldly attributes, but it’s just not possible to make herself seem like an normal girl. She’s just too gorgeous, too self-assured, too perfect; it’s impossible to think of us as equals. Add that to the fact that she’s a pornstar, known and jerked off to by millions of men across the country, and that just increases the allure.

Usually the feelings of inferiority wear off after a couple of hours, but by then our time together is over. And by the next time I see her the feelings of awe will have returned. In our case, absence not only makes the heart grow fonder, but it magnifies her standing in my eyes.

I’d like to think if we can spend even just a full day together I could get over my inferiority complex and treat her as an equal. Fortunately for me, I was about to find out.
