Page 128 of Perverse Fantasies

“I’m serious,” she said, holding the door open wide as I walked in. “I like the rumpled-up look.”

“Is that right?” I asked, moving in close to her as she closed the door.

“Yes it is,” she said, her grin growing wider as I took her in my arms.

“I’ll keep that in mind for next time,” I said before slipping my tongue between her lips.

We made out for a little while, our tongues exploring each other’s mouths while our hands kept themselves busy. I had just run my hand under her flimsy little blouse when she unexpectedly broke off our kiss and took a half step back.

“What’s the matter?” I asked, confused.

“Nothing,” she said, smiling wider now as she looked at me closely, obviously enjoying my confusion. “Why?”

“Because you’re acting funny,” I said.

“Am I?”

I raised my eyebrows and nodded.

“That’s because I’m excited,” Penelope said.

“About what? Me being here?”

“That,” she said, putting one foot in front of the other and tilting her head sideways in a playful manner. “And something else.”

“What?” I asked, laughing under my breath.

“Follow me and you’ll find out,” Penelope said. And with that, she took my hand and led me upstairs.

I was expecting us to turn into her bedroom but we kept going past it, towards the back room, which was set up like a family room, with a plush leather couch and an entertainment center. As far as I could remember, we’d never really spent much time in it.

Penelope was giggling softly, obviously excited about something. Which was unlike her; normally she was pretty stoic and not prone to giddiness.

But once we entered the room I understood exactly wher

e she was coming from. One glance at the couch and I was starting to get giddy also.

Sitting sideways on the couch was a tall, leggy blonde. She was a couple years younger than Penelope and just as cute, but in a different way. Taller, for one, maybe 5’10”. Long blonde hair. Brown eyes. Pale skin. A softer body than Penelope, with thinner legs and smaller tits but just as sexy.

“Jesse, this is Debbie,” Penelope said. “Debbie, Jesse.”

“Pleased to meet you,” I said.

“Hey there,” Debbie said, looking up at me with a lazy smile and sleepy eyes.

“So I was telling Debbie a little bit about you the other day and she said she wanted to meet you,” Penelope said, flashing a knowing glance at me. “And, you know, get to know you a little better.”

“Is that right?” I said, my excitement level rising even higher. I was already salivating at getting freaky with Penelope, but getting her friend involved too? That was too good to be true.

“Yes it is,” Penelope said. “Right Debbie?”

Debbie nodded.

“Sorry,” Penelope said. “You’ll have to bear with Debbie. She’s a little bit shy.”

“No problem,” I said. “I like ‘em like that.”

“What?” Penelope said, giving me a look of mock consternation. “I thought you like them loud and raunchy and out of control like me.”