Page 20 of Perverse Fantasies

“It sure was,” Sasha said, smiling up at Matt. “You really know what you’re doing.”

“Thanks,” Matt said sheepishly. He’d never been good at taking compliments. His cock was still inside Sasha’s pussy but he wasn’t moving at the moment.

“I’m surprised you haven’t cum yet,” Bailey said.

“I was close a couple of times,” Matt replied.

“Still, most guys wouldn’t have been able to take that much without finishing up,” Sasha said.

Matt shrugged. “What can I say? I guess I’m not like most guys.”

“Obviously not,” Bailey said. “Which is good, because I still haven’t got fucked yet.”

“Well, let’s remedy that,” Matt said, flashing a sly grin at the girls. He climbed up onto the couch and sat down next to them.

“Yes,” Bailey said, grinning back at him. “Let’s remedy that right now.” She turned to Sasha. “You sit on his face while I ride his cock.”

“Sounds like a plan,” Sasha said. She rose up and grabbed Matt by the shoulders and pushed them down onto the couch so he was on his back, lengthwise, with his face looking up towards the ceiling.

Sasha climbed upon Matt’s body, dropped one leg on each side of his head, used her hands to spread her ass cheeks apart, and sat right down on his face, smothering him.

Matt flicked his tongue in and out of her pussy, pushing and probing around blindly while he did his best to breathe with Sasha’s flesh engulfing him.

Down below, Bailey grabbed ahold of Matt’s cock and smacked it against her flesh a few times before sliding it into her pussy. It wasn’t as snug of a fit as Sasha’s had been but it still felt great, wet and juicy and soft and billowy all at the same time.

Bailey didn’t waste any time at all, bouncing her body up and down on Matt’s cock, pummeling him with her body as though trying to drive him through the bottom of the couch. It felt incredible, his cock jamming deep inside her pussy, smashing up against her insides.

But Matt didn’t have time to dwell on the pounding Bailey was delivering because Sasha was grinding on his face with more intensity, working his face with her pussy so expertly that he was always short of breath but never completely out of it.

It was then Matt realized that having one girl sitting on his face while another fucked him silly made it all but impossible to cum despite the multitude of pleasures he was experiencing. There was simply too much goodness to focus on one sensation long enough to even think about cumming. In other words, he was in heaven.

“Stick your tongue out,” Sasha said, rising up just enough to allow him to catch his breath. “I want to ride your face with my pussy.”

Matt did as he was asked without hesitation.

“That’s a good boy,” Sasha said, dropping her pussy back down onto his face and quickly moving her hips back and forth against him, forcing his tongue deeper inside her pussy with every pass. “Holy shit that feels fucking great. Right there, right fucking there!”

Meanwhile, Bailey had somehow turned things up a notch, riding him like never before, mixing things up constantly, from bouncing up and down atop him to sliding her hips forward and back to working his cock in a circular motion while keeping him deep inside her pussy. She was a magician on a cock, able to do things to Matt that no woman had ever done before.

Time lost all meaning for Matt as both girls worked him feverishly, pummeling and abusing his body, blurring the line between pleasure and pain until he was so overwhelmed that everything became a giant, muddled mess of sensation.

It wasn’t until Sasha dropped her entire weight onto Matt’s face that he was brought back to clarity. But even then, it was hazy, as Sasha’s pussy was so thoroughly engulfing him that she was smothering him completely, making it impossible for him to breathe.

After a few seconds that seemed to last hours, Matt felt like his entire head was inside of Bailey’s pussy, that he was bathing in her pussy juices like a fish breathes in water. He could feel Bailey hammering away on his cock but the sensation was muted, distant. All sound was muffled, like he was underwater.

And then ever

ything went gray.

The next thing Matt knew, he was breathing in deep, gasping gulps as the world exploded back into focus. Bailey was still sitting on his face but not putting all her weight on him, giving him more than enough air to breathe. And Sasha was still riding his cock as aggressively as ever.

Matt didn’t know exactly what had happened but he did know one thing for sure; he was going to cum any second now. There was no way around it. The previous numbness from the overload of sensation had shifted into hyper-sensitivity, like he was being shocked by a low-voltage wire.

He lifted Sasha’s pussy off his face long enough to say, “I’m gonna cum. I’m gonna fucking cum!”

“Great,” Bailey said. “Come inside of me.”

“Are you sure?” Matt asked.