I climbed off the couch and walked over toward Amber. For a moment I just stood over her, looking down at her perfect body, taking a mental snapshot to savor forever. A ridiculously hot pornstar, on her hands and knees, begging for me to fuck her doggy style while I stood over her. The stuff dreams are made of.
And then I was down on my knees and sidling up to her and sticking my cock in her.
“Let me do it,” Amber said. “Let me work that fucking dick inside me.”
I held my ground as she started working her ass, slowly at first, moving it back and forth, then around and around, gradually picking up steam until she was bouncing back against me hard enough that I had to grab onto her ass to avoid losing my balance.
“That’s it,” she said, mistaking my move for initiative. “Take control, Chris. Fuck me like the slut that I am. Make me your little fuckdoll.”
So I did my best, spreading her ass apart while I slammed my cock inside her, going balls deep, our bodies slapping up against each other, her perfect ass bouncing off my hips as we came together, Amber grunting with every thrust, her voice growing louder and louder with her wordless sounds of pleasure.
She shifted a bit, lifting her head and tilted it back towards me. She gave a little flick of her head and her hair spilled down her back.
It was too much to resist. I grabbed a handful of her hair and used the newfound leverage to slam into her even more aggressively.
“Oh yeah, pull my hair,” Amber said, her voice more of a growl than usual. “Pull my hair and fuck me like I deserve to get fucked.”
I yanked back harder, tilting her head even further back towards me, forcing her to arch her back even more, allowing me deeper access to her. It also accentuated her shoulder blades, which for some reason was sexy as hell and was the final straw in pushing me over the edge.
I slammed into her a few more times and then I was there.
“I’m gonna fucking cum,” I said, the words coming out choked.
Amber shimmied off my cock, spun around quickly and crawled over to me. She was on the floor, her hand on my cock, jerking me off, her mouth working the tip, her eyes looking up at me.
“Oh shit, oh shit,” I said, trying to give her fair warning so she could get out of the way. But apparently that wasn’t in her plans.
She continued jerking me and sucking me, even as my body tensed in preparation of release. I tried to pull aw
ay so I wouldn’t cum in her mouth but she wouldn’t let go of my cock, keeping a firm grip with her hand and tight seal with her mouth.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” I cried, giving her one last chance.
But she was going through with it. So I held it off no longer and gave in and let my body come to it’s natural climax. One final tense, and then an explosive release and I shot a stream of cum directly into Amber’s mouth. And another. And another, my body shuddering slightly after the third one.
But still Amber held my cock in her mouth, sucking on it, eliciting every last drop from it, causing me to shimmy and shake with the sensation.
Finally she released my cock. Then, while staring straight at me, she tilted her head back slightly and swallowed my cum.
I laughed softly and shook my head. “You’re one nasty girl, aren’t you?”
“You’d better believe it,” Amber said.
“So I take it that was my reward for lasting a whole hour?”
“Nah, that was just me wanting to drink your cum.”
“Then what’s the reward?” I asked, my mind racing at what depraved debauchery was in store if her swallowing my load was just an everyday occurrence.
“A date with me,” Amber said.
“A date?”
“Yeah, you know, dinner and a movie.”
“You’re kidding, right?”
“Not at all,” she said. “So what do you say? Do you want to go on a date with me?”