One of the biggest benefits to hiring escorts as opposed to being in a traditional relationship is what I like to call the long-distance factor. You remember being in a relationship like that at one time or another, right? Always wondering what your significant other might be doing all alone by themselves while you’re gone for a week or a month or possibly even longer. Making new friends? Going out and partying? Fucking someone else? It’s enough to drive you crazy. Not to mention the lack of sex while you’re away from each other. Sometimes it’s not such a big deal, especially if your time away is short, but sometimes it can really grow on you. Especially when you’re on the road for work as much as I am. Nothing fosters an unhealthy relationship quite like being away for weeks at a time, coming home only for a day or two per month to do the normal relationship things; dinner and movie, some drinks at the bar, a night of making love. They say absence makes the heart grow fonder, but most of the time it just facilitates break-ups, especially when your couple days home a month are filled with jet-lag and you’re bone-tired from all the travel and all you want to do is relax for a bit. Most of the time your significant other just doesn’t appreciate that. And they shouldn’t. After all, they only get to see you every once in a while; there’s nothing wrong with them expecting to dominate your time and attention. Which is why I prefer just to avoid traditional relationships altogether.
The way I see it, the choice between 2-hour long phone calls and renting bad hotel pay-per-view porn in order to honor the terms of your average traditional relationship versus paying for a smoking hot escort who will fuck your brains out for a couple hundred bucks is not even a choice. Give me the escort every time.
On this particular week, my job takes me to Texas. It’s my first time here and so far it’s treating me pretty well. Hopefully after tonight it’ll be treating me even better. You see, it’s Saturday night and I’m looking to party. And I’ve decided to go with the local flavor and order up a special kind of girl, one I’ve never had before, an honest-to-goodness Texas cowgirl.
There’s a knock on my door. I peek out the eyehole and see a smoking hot chick with blonde hair snaking out the side of a black cowboy hat and down her shoulders. Tanned skin, big brown eyes, super white teeth behind full, pouty lips and a look on her face like she knows she’s the shit. She’s wearing a full-length leather duster, so I can’t get a look at her body, but I have no doubt it’s ridiculous based on all the available information.
I open the door and she walks in without so much as a glance in my direction. I close the door behind her and turn around. She’s already unbuttoned the duster, revealing a light purple bra and panties, brown leather chaps, cowboy boots and nothing else. Her body is even more ridiculous than I’d hoped for; toned but skinny legs, washboard stomach, defined but not too muscular arms, and a pair of large, perfect breasts. Too perfect to be real, for sure, but it doesn’t matter to me in the least. They way I figure it, if I can touch ‘em they’re real enough for me. She’s a tall girl, no more than three inches shorter than me, but her looks and the way she holds herself make her seem larger than life. I’m getting hard just looking at her.
“I understand you’re looking for a dirty little cowgirl to stick your dick into tonight,” she says in her soft Texas drawl.
“That’s right.”
She slides the duster off and lets it fall to the ground, then turns around so her ass is facing me and bends over at the waist, keeping her legs perfectly straight, the leather chaps framing her tight little ass. “Well, what do you think, big boy?” she says, looking back at me from between her legs. “Will I work?”
“You’re perfect,” I say.
“You got that right,” she says, standing up and turning to face me. “Now come on over here and let me see what I have to work with.”
I walk towards her, my little smile betraying my giddiness. She could have told me to get on my hands and knees and crawl over to her like a dog and I would have done it without hesitation.
She reaches down and rubs her hand against my cock, which is pressing up again my pants.
“Not bad,” she says. “Not bad at all. You mind if I take a closer look?”
“Be my guest,” I say.
She drops to her knees and unzips my pants, then reaches in and pulls my cock out. It’s rock hard, sticking straight out without even the hint of a sag.
“That’s pretty impressive,” she says, licking the head of it with the tip of her tongue. “I can’t remember the last time I had a nice fat cock to work with.” She looks up at me. “Do you know what to do with it?”
“I’ve had a little practice,” I say.
“I bet you have.”
“What about you?” I say. “Do you know what to do with it?”
She sticks my cock in her mouth and sucks on the tip of it for a moment. “Oh,” she says after pulling it out. “I’m sure I can come up with something.”
Grinning, I say, “I bet you can.”
“In fact,” she says, taking it a little bit deeper before pulling it back out. “I’ve got a trick I’m real good at.”
“Oh yeah,” I say. “What’s that?”
“Making things disappear,” she says.
And before I know what’s happening she takes my entire cock in her mouth, deepthroating me with ease.
“Oh my god,” I say as she holds it there, my balls pressing up against her chin.
A good seven seconds later she finally pulls off my cock. She takes a deep breath, then spits on my cock and strokes it, looking up at me the whole time.