“Yeah,” I said, laughing. “Tell me about it.”
“Don’t take this the wrong way, but you were way better than I was expecting,” she said.
“Don’t worry, I hear that all the time,” I said.
“Well you won’t be hearing it from me ever again,” Madison said, planting a kiss on my lips. “Because next time I’ll be expecting it.”
A satisfied smile wormed its way onto my face. “Next time,” I said. “I like the sound of that.”
“Yep,” Madison said, returning my grin. “And the time after that, and the time after that, and the time after that too.”
The sound of our laughs filled up the shower.
There’s nothing I enjoy more than getting fucked. Mouth, pussy, ass, it doesn’t matter. Nor does the manner in which is happens. Sometimes I like it slow and romantic, other times rough and tumble. Sometimes quiet and serious other times loud and playful. I like being in charge and getting dominated equally. It all depends on my mood that day. The key is to mix things up. Otherwise even sex can get stale.
This is why it’s essential to have different men available to do my bidding. Some are just more inclined to act a certain way. There are guys that are great at getting freaky but not so good at being romantic. Or ones that love being in control but aren’t so keen on being on the other side of the equation.
My friends keep on telling me there are men out there that offer the whole package; looks, a big cock, a decent personality and a wide palette of sexual tendencies but so far I haven’t met one. Which makes me believe that they don’t truly exist, especially considering how many men I’ve fucked over the years. If they’re out there I would have found one by now.
Oh well. Until I find that one perfect man I guess I’ll just have to keep trying out as many as I can.
Today I woke up horny as hell. Even after playing around with my toys for a good hour I was still rearing to go. So I pulled out my special phone and started looking through my contact list.
I’ll fuck pretty much anybody once, but they have to offer something beyond the ordinary to make it into my special phone. It consists of a hundred or so men who bring something specific to the table.
I stop as soon as I come to Johnny’s number. He’s exactly what I need today.
Johnny is a specialist in rough sex. Now, for most women that’s not something that they would go back for, but like I may have mentioned earlier, I’m a dirty slut. And sometimes I just need to get manhandled. Like today. So I dial Johnny’s number. After a brief conversation, we agree to meet as his place in an hour. And just like that, it’s done.
I jump in the shower to pretty myself up a bit and then it’s off to go get fucked.
Precisely one hour later I’m knocking on Johnny’s door.
His place is small but it doesn’t matter. I’m not concerned about the size of his home or the make of his car. I’m not worried about how much money he earns or what he does for a living. All I care about is what he’s going to do to me for the next thirty minutes or so. And it’s getting me wet just thinking about it.
Johnny opens the door and ushers me in. I drop m
y purse to the floor, right there in the hall adjacent to the doorway as he closes the door behind us. I undo my coat and slither out of it, revealing my tight, tanned, completely naked body beneath.
As Johnny turns to face me a nasty little smile creeps onto his face. He looks me up and down, practically licking his lips as he takes me in like a piece of meat.
“You like what you see?” I ask.
“Hell yes,” he says. “You’re looking better than ever.”
“I didn’t come here for compliments,” I say.
“Fair enough,” Johnny says, stepping towards me and grabbing a handful of my hair. He yanks back on it, bending my neck back so my face is turned up towards the ceiling.
“Don’t expect me to hold back just because we haven’t seen each other in a while,” Johnny says.