Another pause. I’m calling you.

I’m on the couch, alone in the house. New Year’s has come and gone, and Franks is back in school. Bo’s on days again. He and Mom are both working, and the house is quiet for the first time since I got here.

I’m hard before she even picks up.

“Hey,” she says.

“Hey. ”

Then silence, and she laughs this breathy sort of laugh. “This is weird. ”

“Which part?”

I can imagine her biting her lip. Looking away from me.

I can imagine her throat turning red and blotchy. The way her breasts are rising with each quick intake of breath.

“You know the part of the movie where Judd Nelson is in the closet, and Molly Ringwald locks herself in there with him?” she asks.

“Which one’s Judd Nelson?”

“The guy with the long hair and the flannel shirt. ”

“The bad boy. ”

“Yeah. And Molly Ringwald’s the one—”

“I know who she is. ”

Caroline laughs. Kind of nervous. “That part’s on right now. ”


“And that’s the best part. Molly’s got her pink silk shirt on and her hair all perfect, because she’s such a good girl, only now they’re in

the closet together …”

I start to laugh, realizing where this is going. “I thought you’d be into that other guy. ”

“Who? Anthony Michael Hall?”

“The wrestler one. ”

“Emilio Estevez? Ew. ”

“He looks like Nate, but not as blond. ”

Silence for a few beats. “God. He does. You’re right. ”

She sounds so horrified, I start to laugh.

“But I always liked Judd best,” she says. “Even when he spits in the air and swallows it. ”

“Got kind of a bad-boy thing, don’t you?”

“No. ”

I can hear the smile in her voice, though. “It’s all right. Maybe I’m into poor little rich girls. ”