“Have a seat, Mrs. Cordial, Mr. Grey,” said the proprietress. “We are discussing our remaining time.”

“I don’t want to go home yet,” Alisha said.

“Given the circumstances, I expect the ladies may require a refund.” Mrs. Wattlesbrook lifted one eyebrow and looked around, her tight lips betraying her anxiety.

Charlotte shook her head. “It’s not your fault one of your cast members turned out to be a crazed killer.”

The other ladies concurred, and Mrs. Wattlesbrook’s shoulders relaxed.

“But what about you?” said Charlotte. “If you want to close up shop early, I’m sure we’d all understand.”

“No,” she said, terror widening her eyes. “I do not wish to sit somewhere and think. This is my home. I … like having you here.”

This produced silence. From Mrs. Wattlesbrook, the declaration was almost sentimental.

She cleared her throat. “As for the ball … it was meant to be tomorrow night.”

“Ooh, let’s still have it!” said Alisha.

“Of course we’ll still have the ball,” said Miss Charming, confused. “What kind of Austen joint would this be if we didn’t have a ball?”

Charlotte felt strange at the thought of putting all the clothes back on, pretending to be Mrs. Cordial again. She let her hand dangle at her side. Eddie did the same, and underneath the table their fingers touched.

“I’d like to stay for the last two days,” she said.

And more, she thought.

How much more? asked her Inner Thoughts.

Charlotte didn’t have an answer to that.

“Naturally, for you, Mrs. Cordial,” Mrs. Wattlesbrook said, “I will secure a new partner.”

“Oh.” Charlotte hadn’t thought that part through. Her fingers were still touching Eddie’s.

“And we shall do our utmost,” said Colonel Andrews, arising to bow formally, “to ensure that this one doesn’t try to murder you in cold blood.”

“Thanks,” she said, “but don’t put yourselves out on my account.”

“Never fear,” said the colonel. “It is now Pembrook Park policy to take each new actor aside and ask, most sternly, Are you or do you plan to be a murderer? And if he answers yes—”

“Or if his eyes shift suspiciously,” Eddie added.

“… then he shall be turned out on his heels!”

“Quite,” Mrs. Wattlesbrook said with a sniff.

Neville echoed her sniff.

“I don’t know if I remember the dances,” said Alisha.

There was a slight pause, and Eddie, pulling his hand away from Charlotte’s, arose.

“In that case,” he said, “shall we hold our own ball rehearsal tonight?”

“And pajama party,” said the colonel. “There will be time for corsets and cravats tomorrow. I am rather fancying the ladies in their robes.”

He waggled his eyebrows at Miss Charming. She made a kissy face back, as if at a favorite dog, and took another bite of her hamburger.