Grinning, I look back at him. “Ugh! Not another review praising my pussy—that will make five this week! It’s getting embarrassing.” I tease him, flashing a bright smile his way.

“Right, the people.” He refers to my comment a while back about doing it with randoms. “They like to ride Kerry.”

“Damn straight.” I shove my arm out to the side and offer a thumbs up.

He laughs. “I’m a jealous man, are you seriously going to taunt me with this?”

“Why not? It’s not like you’re going to do anything about it—” Before I can finish my sentence, he slips his hand between my legs and touches my clit, pressing it between his fingers, and then squeezes hard. I gasp and buck into the floor without meaning to. He laughs lightly and loosens his grip, but doesn’t move his hand.

“What the hell?”

“What part of possessive don’t you get? This is mine right now. Tomorrow is another story.”

I’m still perplexed as to why my hips dry humped the floor when he touched me that way. Whatever he did made an involuntary response. I wonder if it was a fluke or if he can just do that. “That part is a little evasive. Can you explain it to me again?”

He repeats the touch, and the same thing happens. My legs spread wide and my hips buck, slamming down into the floor, but that’s not the worst part. My body is on fire, begging to be fucked, suddenly a million times wetter and ever aware his dick is too far away. Desire becomes need and I think about him everywhere, filling me from every direction, all at once. It’s like a flash of lust on crack. It comes and goes in a blink when he does that with his hand down there.

Breathless and gaping I look at his bare back, watch the lines of his muscles move as he breathes and wonder if he’s really a sex god. He’s incredibly beautiful and he can turn me into a total whore with minimal effort. The thing is, I was already thinking those thoughts they just weren’t very loud. When he touched me like that, they became earsplittingly loud and writhing for attention.

He doesn’t look back at me. “Tell me.”

“Tell you what?” My voice comes out way too airy and an octave higher than usual.

He grins. “Tell me what you want most. What are your most carnal desires?”

I blush. There’s no way I’m telling him I wish he had three dicks to fuck me with all at once. “Uh, I don’t think so.”

“Last chance, Kerry. We can do this the nice way or I can force it out of you.”

“No you can’t—” The rest of the sentence is suddenly sucked from my mind as if someone had placed a black hole in my brain. My thoughts are replaced with urges, things I need now. My breasts ache and I’m thinking things I can barely admit. But I want to do them. With him. Now.

He moves his hand, making me cry out loudly and tightening his grip on my sensitive flesh. My hips buck into the floor several times and I start saying insanely dirty things, begging him for it—telling him where I want him, how I’ll take it any way I can just so long as he fucks me hard, now.

Nate speaks firmly, cutting into my dirty monologue, “I’m not letting you up until you tell me something.”

I growl at him, as I try to clutch the floor, “Fuck me.”

My hips slam down again and this time, I feel him—a finger slips inside—but it’s not enough. I’m suddenly bucking so hard, backing into his hand, trying to fuck it. I’m not aware of anything else, and I feel my mind fighting my body for control and losing.

As I wildly pump against his finger, he asks, “What about here? Do you want me to fuck you here?”

While keeping his finger inside me, his thumb drifts south. It’s what I was thinking and too shy to ask for. No woman in her right mind likes that, but I do. Right now I want him to fuck me every way he can.

My mind is screaming at me to shut up, my mouth is open and I’m begging him for things I thought I’d never say. The words will make my entire body turn red with a bright blush if I ever hear them again, but it doesn’t stop me. I beg him and purr for him to do what I want.

Nate’s voice is liquid sex, “That’s the sluttiest thing I’ve ever heard.”

His touch lit an intensity within me that I didn’t know was there. Maybe it’s because I just orgasmed or maybe it’s because the last guy I was with didn’t know his way around down there, but either way—I’m elated and terrified at the same time. Even so, I can’t seem to shut up. I keep blurting out insanely sexy, carnal things—and demanding that he do them to me. Now.

Nate keeps his hand on me as he repositions himself behind me. I’m lying facedown on the kitchen floor.

Nate slaps my ass and demands, “Up.” As I push up he hooks his arm under my hips and pulls me back to him. I slide across the floor and when I slam against him I feel how hard he is again.

He moves his hand away from me and grabs another condom. I’m wondering if I should be concerned that he has more than one on him. Before I can think about it he puts it on and slips inside of me. My head is down, with my butt in the air. He slowly pushes in and then pulls out, watching as he does it. It’s completely erotic and makes me think about sucking him off. I want to taste him in my mouth without protection. I want to feel his velvety skin instead of the plastic condom and taste his come as it drips down my throat. I want that with him—which makes me feel conflicted. If he’s just a fuck there’s no way I should do that. If he’s more, we could. Do I want more?

I don’t get a chance to ponder the question. He slams into me, and reaches around front, between my legs, and starts to do that motion again. I buck back into him and feel my heart pounding so hard that it might explode. I dart upright, so I’m kneeling and he’s still inside of me. Weird position, but it feels good, putting pressure in all the right places.

Nate catches me with his other arm and holds me tight, restraining me. He whispers in my ear, “Don’t move, Kerry. Stay like this for a moment.” He’s still and I feel his hot breath wash across my neck, and hear his quick gasps of air. “Do you like this? Being touched all over, being owned?”