Does he know about the meeting with Ferro? God, just say it! If he knows, why is he toying with me? If he doesn’t know, I don’t want to tell him.

I press my lips together and speak slowly. “Panties. Bras. Things that most people don’t see.”

His eyes drop to the table and when he glances up, those blue eyes lock with mine. He leans in and presses a whisper of a kiss on my lips, then pulls away, teasing. “Most people.”

I mimic him, leaning forward, giving him a feather soft kiss and then pulling back. “Some people see them.”

He arches a brow at me. “People?”

“Yeah, you know. Emily, Beth, you, and me. Maybe a few other guys. People.” I’m teasing him, and I love it. I lean forward, getting close enough to kiss him, and linger. His breath is warm, rushing over my lips in short, shallow bursts. “Is that a problem, Professor?”

He watches my lips for a moment, then leans in, and, just when I think he’s going to kiss me, he takes my bottom lip between his teeth and nips. I gasp and pull back. His hands are suddenly behind me, pressing me forward, crushing us together. “I don’t like to share.”

“So Carter is a problem?”


“And Emily.”

“Emily doesn’t do girls. I heard you two at the bar, remember? You both think stairs are scary.”

A coy smile tugs at my lips. “And Josh? What about him?”

“Josh?” He pulls away. His hands are suddenly gone from my back and concern lines his face. “Josh Gallub? You know him?” Nate steps back and things go from very sexy to ice cold.

“Yeah, I know him. He’s Beth’s brother. She’s my best friend.”

Nathan nods, avoiding my gaze. “Right. I remember seeing you with her. I didn’t realize Beth was his sister.”

“I was teasing, Nate. The guy likes me, but he wants a fuckbuddy.”

He turns and those sapphire eyes pin me in place. “And you don’t?”

“It’s not like that. He’s not my type.”

Nate watches me carefully, debating something. Worry pinches his brow. “You should be careful around him.”

I roll my eyes without meaning to and slip off the edge of the table. I go to his fridge and rummage for a drink, but it’s still empty. “I’m careful around everyone.”

“That’s not what I mean. The guy has a record.”

“So what?” I straighten and close the fridge, then turn to look at him. “Are you going to tell me who I can be friends with now? Or is this your way of asking me to go steady?” I flash a smile his way, but Nate isn’t deterred.

“Kerry, he’s dangerous.”

“Yeah, right.”

“No, I’m serious. Please listen—”

I huff out an aggravated sigh and start ticking off fingers. “One, no one likes him. Two he’s an arrogant prick—I agree with you there. Three, aside from stealing Carter’s girlfriend, he seems like a nice guy.”

“He’s not.” Nate enunciates the last word with a finality in his voice that sounds too close to condescension.

“Whatever. How do you know anyway?” I feel suddenly defensive and shove past him. “You don’t know him.”

He trails behind me. “And you do? Kerry, did he tell you?”

“He didn’t have to tell me anything.”