That part worries me, but hell, there will be twenty drawings of this, so I agree. Besides I want to know what I look like and what they can see. Nathan walks over and shows me his phone.

Taking it from his hand, I gasp. “Oh, my God!” I look beautiful and he’s right—I’m exposed but I’m not. They can see a little side boob and the curve of my butt, but I’m not all out there, goodies revealed for the world to see. Plus, he made me look like an old painting of Venus. It doesn’t escape my notice. Nathan is sweet, charming, and subtle when he wants something. I’m trying not to smile, so I suck on my bottom lip and glance up at him.

“You already know, right, that you’re stunning?” He leans in and kisses the top of my head. “You have to know that you look like a goddess, but the women who truly are never notice. That’s you, isn’t it? You have no idea how beautiful you are, do you?”

I say his name in a breathy voice. “Flattery will get you nowhere.” He raises his dark brows and winks. My stomach dips in response and I can’t help but laugh. “Okay, so I’m a bad liar.”

“Good, because I have a thing against liars.”

“Me too.” My mood sours as I think of my jackass ex-boyfriend. I must be frowning because Nathan takes my face in his hands.

Crouching in front of me, he adds, “Maybe we can pick up where we left off later, assuming you’re okay breaking a little rule?”

“Maybe.” I smile at him while looking up from under my lashes. “That might be nice.”

“It’ll be better than nice. And I owe you an explanation for the other night and a promise it won’t happen again.” Nathan runs his hand through his dark hair, his eyes suddenly darting away. He sucks in air like the room is a coffin and he’ll never get enough. I worry for a second, but his breathing calms back down and he glances up at me, smile back in place. I can’t tell if he’s playing me or not. Truth be told, I don’t mind being played with. With as long as it’s been since I’ve had sex, I’m pretty sure there are dust bunnies down there.

I’m into Nathan, and he sees it. We flirt a little longer before he lets go of my hands and steps backwards toward the easels. He jabs his thumb behind him. “I’ll be here the whole time, but you’re safe. The students can’t touch you and they aren’t allowed on the pedestal. I’ll be in the back.”

I nod. He must be more than a student—a Teacher’s Assistant—or something. “You know, I swore I’d never talk to you again.”

He grins broadly, showing off the most beautiful smile I’ve ever seen. “I’m glad you changed your mind.”

Chapter 8

Emily and Blue Hair Boy are the first to enter. Her clunky black boots stop like someone welded those suckers to the floor. She’s in the doorway, gaping at me. “Holy shit! The newbie went through with it.” Her voice is a whisper, more as if she were talking to herself. I haven’t spoken to her since she passed out the other night. I think she’s been avoiding me. Although Carter filled her in on what happened, I can’t figure out why she’d avoid me.

Blue Hair Boy shoves her and she stumbles forward. That’s when he stops. He’s frozen for a moment before he drops his books to the floor and starts whooping like a monkey. His arms are over his head, doing a happy dance, until his nose ring catches the mesh on his armbands. “Aw, shit.”

Emily catches him before he rips his nose off his face. The motion saves his skin and shuts him up. Then she looks up at me. “You realize that this isn’t a one-time thing, right? This is an upper level class—you’ll be here for weeks.” She turns and looks at the back of the room. “Hey Nate.” He nods at her, before she looks back at me like I’m crazy.

Suspicion confirmed – he’s a student. Ding! I’m so smart. A cocky smile spreads across my face as Emily bars the doorway so that no one else can come in. “You can turn back. I can call the geezer. He loves doing this shit. You don’t have to be up there like that.” I’m not sure why she’s trying to talk me out of it.

My stomach sinks as my smile fades. “Is it bad?”

Nathan and Blue Boy both say, “Psh, no,” in unison.

Emily glares at them and they both recoil. She glances down the hall and then back at me. “It’s not the same for a woman to model nude as it is for a guy. People will talk.” There’s something else there, but she’s not willing to say it now. I can see it in her eyes.

I know she means well, but she doesn’t get it. I’ve been dealing with this for years. I always have to prove how good I am, and this is part of it. Besides Jax had other students do it. “People already talk, besides Evil Santa said I don’t take art seriously. I do, so here I am.”

“I see that.” Dr. Jax’s voice comes from behind Emily and she steps aside to let him in. The rest of the students are in the hallway behind him. “I couldn’t help overhearing your conversation. Emily, you have no balls; Grow a pair. Miss. Hill, congratulations in acting like an adult. Let’s see if the rest of the class can do the same. To your seats.” He lifts a finger with a hairy white knuckle and holds his arm in place until they are all seated around the room.

Emily’s brow is pinched as she avoids Jax’s gaze. I can’t tell if she’s humiliated or has serious concerns about me doing this. Maybe she knows something I don’t know, although the rest of the class appears unconcerned.

That’s when Carter walks in. His jaw drops as he walks in front of me, his gaze swallowing me whole. “Kerry?” He sounds surprised.

“Hey.” I look up at him, silently pleading that he supports this decision that I’m starting to feel uncomfortable about again. I mouth please. He looks away and back at the class. “Guess she is serious about art.” When he glances back at me, I smile at him thankfully. I don’t know what’s up with Emily and I already feel beyond nervous.

Some people have nightmares about being nude in public. Public nudity requires a certain frame of mind and if I don’t keep this situation about art, I’ll bolt. If this was about being a nude seductress, I’d die. But it’s not. It’s about light and shadows, about the human form—it’s not about me.

“We’ve already discussed that topic Mr. Carter. Please take a seat.” Jax grumbles and

flips through his satchel searching for something.

After everyone sits a cloud of silence settles over the room. My gaze slices through it and meets with Nathan’s. Our eyes lock and I can’t look away. I’ve never felt such a magnetic pull toward another person before, ever. Not movie stars, classmates, or any other guy—even Matt. It’s unreal and feels like I’m trapped in a spell.

Dr. Jax prattles on, giving directions. When he’s finished, he nods at Nathan. “Nice to see you back.”