“Kerry, yes, at my place. Now. Right now. Anything you want. Come home with me?”

I make a frustrated sound without meaning to—my body is so hot, so slick with lust that I can no longer form sentences. It takes everything I have to pull back enough to break the invisible bonds holding us together. I’m so worried they’ll vanish and I need them right now—I need him. I nod slowly while sucking my bottom lip. “It’ll be like this?” My voice is barely a breath.

I get treated to the sexiest smile I’ve ever seen. Nathan’s cheeks turn rosy and his lashes lower, glancing down at my body below his. He leans in and whispers in my ear, “It’ll be even better. Come home with me.”

I’m torn. The car ride to his place is going to be strange and I’ve never been with anyone but my ex. A million things could go wrong.

Nathan kisses my cheek and backs up. Holding out his hand, he answers my thoughts, “But a million things can go right. I’m not willing to pass that up, are you?”

I look up at him, standing over me. My lips are parted and I’m so infatuated with this guy that I can’t look away. At the same time there’s a tug in the center of my chest that scares me. It has to be because of Matt and the way he left me for Mom. I want that feeling gone and this guy is offering. Pressing my lips together I nod and take his hand.

Nathan smiles again and pulls me up. “Get dressed so I can strip you when we get to my place.”

I giggle, which is totally unlike me, and move toward the spot where I left my things. There’s a row of cabinets behind the backdrop, forming a backstage-like area. The drape trails the floor behind me as I walk. Glancing over my shoulder, I look back at him. “Promise?”

He steps toward me, closing the distance and that tug is there again, sucking out my brains and lighting a fire in my core. His hand cups my cheek, making my lips part. His blue gaze comes so close to my face and then stops. Gently he rubs his thumb across my cheek until his hand slips from my skin. He senses the heaviness of the word, and what I’m asking him to promise is beyond me. On the surface, I’m asking for this time together but my unspoken words matter more.

Promise you won’t hurt me the way they did.

Promise you’re real.

Promise me you won’t turn on me when this is over.

Promise me.

Nathan’s gaze stays locked on mine. It’s as if he can read my mind by watching my eyes. He doesn’t shy away or make light of my question. He understands the impact of his answer, of whatever he says next.

My stomach dips in those moments of silence and I clutch the drape tighter. Every insecurity I have bubbles up and tries to drown me, but when Nathan looks at me, they vanish. In his eyes, I’m a goddess. I see his thoughts, as strange as that sounds. This feeling of understanding snakes through me and without even touching me, I know what he’s thinking—I can feel it. Frightened and vulnerable isn’t a comfy place. The desire to run juts up from within me. He’s been silent too long, but just as worry surfaces, Nathan reaches for my face. He slips his palms along my cheeks and looks down into my eyes.

“I promise.” His voice is a blanket that surrounds me in warmth and comfort. He’s hot sticky syrup and I’m ready for the change from nice to naughty.

We stand like that, eyes locked for a moment. As soon as the words fly from his lips, I believe him. I know it’s true, but I’m afraid of this. The more time I spend with him the stranger this gets. What if he’s my soul mate? Is this so far beyond lust I can’t fathom it?

I try to stop the thought as soon as it springs into my mind, fearing he’ll know what I’m thinking, as dumb as that sounds. I don’t believe in ESP, but he seems to have it and that thought would send him running.

I try to look away, but Nathan tips my head back so our eyes meet again. “I feel it too and I promise, Kerry.” He leans in and presses his lips to my forehead. My body stiffens as the air is sucked from my lungs. “I don’t know what it means either.”

When he releases me, we both look shell-shocked, but if he’s not running then neither am I. Nathan smiles again, but this time he’s less confident, and more boyish—like this is his first time, even though I’m sure it’s not. He’s too sexy to be a virgin.

Nathan nearly laughs. “What are you thinking?”

I shiver instantly and want to pull away, but my body feels like lead melted into place. For some stupid reason I answer him. “How many women you’ve slept with. I’m wondering if you’re a sexy virgin, which would be the biggest oxymoron ever.”

He smiles that cocky, boyish grin—the one that is dazzling and endearing—the one he first flashed me with in the men’s room after staring at his package too long.


My face burns and I swear to God he knows that I was remembering his personal parts.

“I’m pretty sure I’ve been the object of many women’s fantasies, but very few have made it to my bed.”

The tension flows out of me, and I’m shocked. “What? Are you saying you can have a snowy, white wedding? Because I can’t. Unless we’re talking the snow in New Jersey, because maybe then I could pull that off. Maybe.” I make a face and he laughs.

“I’m not a virgin, but I’m not the man-whore you pegged me as, either.” His lips press together in a nervous way.

I raise an eyebrow at him. “Really? That’s your answer?”

A grin spreads across his face as he tugs playfully at the drape. “And I suppose you make out with anyone who asks?”