It’d been too long since he?

?d been in this situation. At a club, with a willing submissive. His fingers itched with the need to dominate her.

“What I am wondering,” he said, “is what you’re here for tonight. What are you looking for? What do you need?”

She seemed pleased with his direct approach, and he wondered what kind of Doms she’d played with before who had not given her directness. “I like impact play. A little bit of humiliation. No sex.”

His cock protested. No sex?

Oh well, he enjoyed impact play, too. And he was willing to hand out a little bit of humiliation. As for sex, well, there was always his right hand.

He took a deep breath, decided on his course of action, and gave her a smile. “I believe I can give you exactly what you want, Ronnie. Let’s chat a bit more and then we’ll see, shall we?”

• • •

HOURS LATER, HE packed a satisfied and very much more subdued Ronnie into a cab. He’d offered to drive her to her house once he cleaned up, but she resisted. If she hadn’t given him her phone number, he’d have thought she wasn’t interested in seeing him again.

Still, he couldn’t help but feel the slightest bit rejected. Something was off, but he couldn’t put his finger on what exactly gave him that vibe.

“Good scene?” a familiar voice asked.

He looked up from packing his toys back into his bag to find Lennox standing nearby with Mariela at his side.

“Lennox. Man.” Terrence gave him a one-armed hug. “How are you?” He didn’t speak to Mariela since they were at a club and Lennox hadn’t given him permission.

“I’m great.” Lennox turned to look at Mariela, and at her smile, he lowered his head for a kiss.

Terrence chuckled. It was so good to see Lennox in love. If anyone deserved a long stretch of blissful happiness, it was Lennox. “I can see that. When’s the wedding?”

“We’re still discussing. I want a small and intimate ceremony. Marie wants to stop by a courthouse.” Lennox shook his head. “Which probably means we’ll be stopping by a courthouse. Though we do have a wedding to attend in New Orleans, and I’m hoping that’ll change her mind.”

The look she shot him very clearly said not likely.

“So, how was the scene?” Lennox asked again. He knew how hard it had been for Terrence to get back into the scene after his breakup with Andie.

“It was good. Enjoyed Ronnie. I can’t shake the feeling something is off, though.”

Lennox didn’t say anything. In fact, it was so unlike him that Terrence glanced up to see if something was wrong. His friend had turned pale.

“What?” Terrence asked.

“Ronnie?” his friend asked. “You played with Ronnie?”

He was definitely missing something.

“Yes, do you know her?”

“Do I know her? No. But I know of her father. Perhaps you’ve heard of Senator Lewis?”

It took a second or two for that information to sink into his head. Senator Lewis was a very vocal, very right-wing conservative politician from either Alabama or Mississippi. He was the spokesperson for the ultraconservative viewpoint. And rumor had it, the wealthy senator had ruined quite a few careers in his time.

And Terrence had tied up his daughter and beaten her.

Granted, she had asked for it, and he’d given her multiple orgasms. Yet somehow he doubted that would go over very well with Senator Lewis.

“Fuck,” Terrence said. Another thought crossed his mind. “Wait a minute, how old is she?” He didn’t think it was his imagination that he had remembered reading about her during the last election. He was quite positive she’d been under eighteen then.

His hands started to shake. What if she was underage? Suddenly, information that the club’s owner never let anybody in who was under twenty-one didn’t matter much. After all, everyone made mistakes. Although his was turning out to be colossal.

“She just turned nineteen,” Lennox said immediately, and Terrence breathed a huge sigh of relief.

“At least she was legal. I was worried there for a minute.” Still, nineteen was much too young for him. And for the club. What had the world come to? Was he going to have to card future play partners?

“Somehow, I doubt pointing out of the fact that his daughter is legal will have much bearing on Lewis if he finds out about this.”

“He’s not going to find out, though,” Terrence said.

“Let’s hope not.” Lennox slapped him on the back. “Come have dinner with Marie and me.”

Terrence agreed, but even a nice dinner with his friends did little to quell the sense of foreboding. His fears were confirmed when he checked his voicemail from the restaurant and listened to a message from his agent.

“Call me when you get this. Do not go home. There’s a shitstorm brewing and your name’s written all over it.”

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On Sunday Lynne was merely bored, but by Monday she knew she had to get out of the penthouse or she’d go crazy. What she needed, she decided, was new lingerie. Lingerie always made everything better.

As far as addictions went, she thought her obsession with lingerie was relatively harmless. She limited how much she spent, though it did help that the Wests paid her well. And she usually tried to buy when the designers were having a sale. No one else knew about her addiction, because her love life was nonexistent.

Late Monday morning, she called for a cab and made her way to what had been her favorite shop for upscale lingerie when she lived in the city. She felt like a kid at Christmas, thinking about what she’d look for. Knowing she had sexy things on underneath her clothes always made her feel more confident and secure. For her first week of school, she thought a simple bra and panty set would work.

Once she made it into the store, she waved hello to the sales associate on the floor, smiling brightly when the woman scurried over to her.

“Lynne! I thought you had fallen off the face of the earth. Where have you been?” She leaned closer and whispered, “You missed our annual clearance sale. That’s not like you.”

“I know. It killed me to miss it. I’m living in Delaware now, but I’m here in the city for the summer.”

“Delaware?” The saleslady looked at her in shock. “Why?”

“Job. The law firm I was working at let a lot of people go.” She shrugged. “I was one of them. But I have a great job now, and I love it. Delaware has been nice.”

“As long as you’re happy.” She pointed toward the back of the store. “Got some new corsets you should check out.”

“I’ll go look.” She adored corsets. Maybe she should get a corset and forget the bra and panties. Either way, it didn’t hurt to look. She walked to the corset display, surprised to find another customer already there. Not wanting to disturb her, she scooted behind her to look at the corsets to her left.


She stiffened and turned in surprise. “Anna Beth?”

The tall woman with dark hair stood with one hand on her hip. “Look what the cat dragged in. It is you.”

Lynne gritted her teeth. She supposed she should have felt a fondness toward Anna Beth. After all, she was the one who’d given her the final push to actually attempt the BDSM lifestyle. But she didn’t. The woman was a total bitch.

Anna Beth’s look was cruel. “You still reading those ridiculous books, or did you become woman enough to handle a real Dom?”

Lynne would never forget the day Anna Beth had caught her reading a BDSM romance in the employee break room. She’d shaken her head and said reading about it was fine, but living it was so much better. She then went on to brag about hot Dom after hot scene after hot sex, shutting up only when the break room was invaded by a senior partner. Later that afternoon, Anna Beth had left a card on Lynne’s desk with the name and address of the club she frequented.