When he took her hand and led her to the front of the room where most people had gathered, she had to wonder if he wasn’t going to have her undress after all. He didn’t indicate that she should kneel, so she just stood beside him as he got everybody’s attention.

“Ladies and gentlemen. Friends and colleagues.” Marie watched as Lennox flawlessly commanded the room. “Thank you so much for coming today to help Marie and me celebrate our union as Dom and sub. As many of you are aware, our journey has not been easy. Nor has it been short. We had to work, oftentimes very hard and without knowing if we would be successful in the end. But instead of breaking us apart, our journey has made us closer.

“This morning, our union was further solidified when Marie willingly took my m

ark upon her wrist. There are no words to describe what this means to me. Through all my troubled days, she has been my steadfast rock. And yes, I invited you all here tonight to celebrate, but also to stand with us as we continue our new journey. But before I do that, I have to do one thing.”

He turned to face her and she realized she had no idea what he was getting ready to do. Nor could she name the emotion she saw in his eyes. He took both her hands and gave them a gentle squeeze.

“Marie,” he said. “I love you. And I’ve told you this before, but perhaps you’ll humor me and let me say again. I could not have made it through all that I have without you by my side, and that has taught me that I never want to try.”

Keeping both of her hands in his, he knelt down on one knee. She sucked in a breath. What was he doing? Could it be?

He was smiling now, though she saw some tears building in his eyes. He let go of one of her hands, and took something out of his pocket. Her free hand flew to her mouth at the sight of a small ring box.

“Marie,” he said. “I love you. Please be mine in every way possible. Will you marry me?”

Her cheeks were wet with tears. Whatever she thought he might have been about to do, this was not it. Yet she’d never been happier. She nodded and whispered, “Yes. A million yeses.”

Wearing a grin from ear to ear, he stood up and slipped the ring on her finger. She didn’t even have a chance to see it, because he held her hand and lowered his lips to hers as the entire room erupted in applause.

“Lennox,” she said. “I love you so much. You have made me so happy. Thank you.”

“I should be the one thanking you.” He shook his head. “Without you, I would still be living in the past. Holding on to a ghost. Unable to move forward.”

She didn’t have anything to say to that, so she lifted her hand and caressed his cheek. He turned his face and kissed her palm.

“Did you see your ring?” he asked.

She smiled through her sniffle. “No.”

He took her hand and held it up so she could see. It was a beautiful solitaire, elegant in its simplicity, and everything she would have wanted in a ring. Had she ever thought about having one, that is.

“I love it. It’s beautiful.”

He whispered in her ear. “Not as beautiful as you.”

They could talk no more because all at once they were surrounded by their friends and academy family, all wanting to congratulate them and see the ring.

Marie breathed a sigh of relief when Andie made her way through the crowd a few minutes later and was able to drag her away to a quiet corner.

“Wow. Talk about a big day and a half.” Andie held up Marie’s hand and gazed at the ring. “That is gorgeous. He did well.”

Marie looked at the front of the room where Lennox was chatting with several men. “Yes, he did.”

“So now I get to tell Fulton that I want a ring and a tattoo.”

Marie laughed. “Are you ready for a ring and a tattoo?”

“Nah, not yet. Maybe soon.” Her friend grew silent then and Marie felt the tone of the conversation change. “Do you know why Lennox wants to talk to us?”

“Yes, but I think it’s best that you hear from him.”

“Something tells me I’m not going to like what I hear.”

“Trust me when I say it’s for the best. And everything is going to turn out all right.”

She wasn’t able to say anything else, because at that exact moment, Lennox approached with Fulton following close behind.

“Why don’t we slip upstairs into the studio?” Lennox asked.

They walked up the stairs to the studio space that she knew was oftentimes still painful for Lennox to enter. He had come a long way, but he wasn’t completely there yet. They’d decided together not to change the studio, in the hopes that the room, filled with children from the community, would continue to bring healing to them both. As they walked to the open-air room, they caught sight of easels filled with children’s drawings and paintings. Only then did Lennox relax, which allowed Marie to do so as well.

“First of all,” Lennox started. “I’m sorry if my invitation to chat caused you any stress. I just wanted to make sure we talked tonight. Especially now that Marie has agreed to marry me.”

He leaned over and gave her a quick kiss.

“You know I took some time off at the end of last year to do a bit of consulting work. And to be honest, I thoroughly enjoyed it.” When Lennox looked her way, she smiled and nodded for him to continue. “Marie and I have decided to take a year off. We’re going to spend some time alone together. We’re also going to travel and do some consulting work.”

Fulton and Andie both stood, shock evident in their stunned expressions.

“I never planned to make a career out of the academy,” Lennox explained. “It was something I did to try to make up for Winnie’s death. And while it has done well, it’s not my burning passion.”

Andie was the first to overcome her shock enough to speak. “I can understand that. Cooking is my burning passion. Well, next to Fulton, that is. I can’t imagine going even one day without cooking or baking or being in the kitchen. So I think it’s good for you to go off and find what you want to do.”

Fulton, of course, was more practical. “What does that mean for the academy? The summer session starts in a week and we’re already at capacity for fall.”

“That’s what I wanted to talk to you two about,” Lennox said. “I know Andie has moved into the lighthouse with you and I was thinking it would make sense for you two to be acting heads. I think it’ll be good for a couple to be in charge.”

“You do?” Fulton’s arms were crossed as he glanced toward his sub. “What do you think, Andie?”

Andie blew out a breath. “I don’t even know what to think. It’s so much to take in. The two of you not being there for starters. For a year. It just won’t be the same.”

“I’m sure we’ll pop in every now and then,” Marie said. She’d known their plan to step away would come as a shock, but she was also almost completely positive that once they thought about it, they’d think it was a good plan.

Lennox put his arm around Marie’s shoulder. “Of course we’ll stop by. And it goes without saying, but I’ll say it anyway. If either of you ever need one of us, for anything, we’re only a phone call away.”

“Damn,” Fulton said, but there was a grin on his face. “This is not why I thought you wanted to talk.”

“And there would be a significant salary increase as well,” Lennox added. “For both of you.”

“It’s not about the money, you know,” Fulton said.

“Oh, I know.” Lennox winked. “But it doesn’t hurt either, does it?”

Fulton laughed, but didn’t deny his words. “How about this? Let Andie and I think about it, and we’ll get back to you by the end of the weekend.”

The two men shook hands. “Deal,” Lennox said.

“Where are you going to travel to first?” Andie asked.

“An old friend of mine is getting married.” Lennox looked over at Marie. “She and her soon-to-be husband have moved to New Orleans. We’re going to head out that way and probably stay a week or so.”

Marie had spoken to Rachel several times in the last few months and had grown to like the woman very much. She had yet to meet her fiancé, but she knew Lennox talked to him. It had been ages since she’d been to the gulf coast, and for once in her life, she was looking forward to being away from the island.

Lennox slipped his hand in hers, and leaned down for a kiss. No, Marie didn’t mind being away from the island. She had learned that it wasn’t the island that she wanted, it was Lennox. And her home was wherever he was.


Terrence Knight couldn’t keep his eyes off the strawberry blonde in the corner. He couldn’t quite decide how old she was, though. At times she looked to be about eighteen, but she moved seductively and sensually in a way that made her appear older

. Besides, it was a private BDSM club. He knew the owner, and the owner would not allow anybody under the age of twenty-one into his club.