Her reply was likewise brief.


Thank you for the offer, but I’m really not a

club kind of a girl. I would like to say I’m looking for something a bit more private, but that seems very forward for me to say in an e-mail.


He didn’t reply for several minutes and she thought he might have been done for the night. She was just getting ready to turn off the laptop when a message came through.

Message me

He’d added his private e-mail address so she could reach him privately and not have to go through the messaging system of the online site. Her hands trembled, fingers poised over the top of the keyboard, wondering what to type.

She opened the message window using the account she’d created with her assumed name and typed in his address. Basic. Basic was good.


—Is that you, SSG?


—Thank you for messaging me. Why don’t you tell me exactly what you’re looking for?

She hesitated. This was so similar to the discourse they had gone through the first time they had met. She couldn’t help but wonder if he did this frequently. Was it possible he went from girl to girl, finding a new online partner whenever he got tired of the old one?

She didn’t want to think that of Simon; despite the shock of his sudden dismissal of her when they were dating, she wanted to think she was different. Her fingers flew over the keyboard.

I’m not 100 percent sure what I’m looking for. I don’t want to do anything public, because of my profession. I understand the confidentiality aspect of play, but I can’t do it in public.

There was a pause, and then his words filled the screen.

I don’t play very much in public either, but I would never try to set up anything with you privately. And I suggest you don’t meet anyone privately that you meet online.

She rolled her eyes. Did he think she was stupid?

I’m twenty-five. I’m well aware of how to handle myself online.

There was a pause before his reply came back.

Just doing my part to ensure you’re safe.

Dammit, she hadn’t meant to insult him.

Forgive me, Sir. I just didn’t like the implication that I don’t know what I’m doing, or that I’m not smart enough to check someone or something out before jumping into it.

Let’s start over. I’m SirSimon. No need to call me “Sir” at this time. I believe a Dom has to earn that title.

She smiled. This was the Simon she knew.

I’m SSG. And thank you.

There was another moment’s pause. And she feared he was going to ask her name.

Pleased to meet you, SSG. Tell me about yourself.

She breathed a sigh of relief, pleased that she wouldn’t have to reveal any secrets yet.

I’m in school, working toward getting a teaching certificate. What do you do?

I manage an employment agency. Mostly temps.

How long have you been in the lifestyle?

About fifteen years. You?

Not very long. That’s another reason I didn’t want to go public. I know a friend who met someone online and they played that way for a while.

Is that what you’re looking for?

She paused, not sure how to answer that. What was she looking for? What did she want to get out of this? Finally she typed:

I’m not sure. I think it’s a good place to start.

• • •

Simon looked at the blinking cursor on his computer screen. What was he doing? Why was he talking to this newbie? Was this enough of a distraction? Another online relationship?

He told himself that was a foolish line of thought. He wasn’t trying to start a relationship. He was being nice to a new person in the area who happened to share a common interest with him.

He drummed his fingers on the desk, unable to keep his mind from wandering to Lynne. He had met her online, and the relationship had proceeded from there. For whatever reason, after her, he had never gone back to online dating or used the Internet as a way to meet potential subs. Maybe it was time he tried again.

I think you’re right, SSG. I think you’re right. I would like to continue our conversation, but unfortunately, I have an early meeting in the morning, so I have to log off for tonight.

I understand. Have to get ready for class tomorrow.

He suddenly didn’t want to let her go without making sure they could talk some more.

Chat again tomorrow night at 7:30?

He couldn’t help but smile at her reply:

Yes. Thank you.

He stood up and stretched. He hadn’t lied about the early-morning meeting, but he knew it would be worthless to go to bed at this time. His conversation with the sub known as SSG had made him rethink things. But he wanted to bounce ideas off somebody first.

He dialed a familiar number.

Luke answered on the first ring. “Hello?”

“DeVaan, it’s Simon.”

“Simon, what’s happening?”

“Can I ask you something? What are your thoughts on online relationships?”

There was a shuffling sound from the other end of the phone. “Hold on. Let me get you off speaker.”

Simon held back his groan and hoped only Meagan had been listening in. “Next time tell me I’m on speaker, why don’t you?”

“Sorry, man.” There was more shuffling, and this time Simon heard a female giggle. “Had my hands full, if you know what I mean.”

Meagan, Luke’s submissive, was obviously spending the night at his place. “I can call back tomorrow at a better time for you.”

“No. Hold on.” There were a few whispers, but nothing Simon could make out. “Now, tell me what’s going on.”

Simon questioned whether he should’ve called Luke in the first