Maybe she should bring it up with Luke. After all, he had the information The Taskmaster wanted. But just as quickly as she had dismissed talking to her brother, she also dismissed talking to Luke. Because she knew if she talked to Luke, he would think the only reason she did anything with him was because of The Taskmaster. And while that may have been the case in the beginning, it was far from the truth now.

Maybe . . . Maybe she would tell The Taskmaster that Luke had moved his pictures or that he had deleted them. What if she did that? He couldn’t very well retaliate if there wasn’t anything to give him, right?

She pulled up to Luke’s house Friday night still undecided about what she was going to do. She knocked on the door and, while she waited for him to open it, decided not to think about it for the next few hours. Tonight was just her and Luke. They weren’t even going to take pictures. Luke had called her earlier in the week and asked her to come over for dinner.

“Just you and me,” he’d said. “Dinner and whatever else we want to do. We can worry about the pictures later.”

Meagan knew they had just about finished the shoot for the book anyway. She thought they might have one or two more sessions to do. The one thing she knew, however, was that she didn’t want to stop seeing Luke when they finished. And she had a feeling Luke felt the same.

So there was no way she would mess that up by admitting her initial contact with him was because of The Taskmaster.

“Meagan, sweetheart,” Luke said, as he opened the door. He reached over and kissed her cheek softly. “Come on in. How are you?”

“Better now,” she said. Which was the truth. Why did everything always seem much better when she was with him?

He gave her a big smile and held out his hand. “You look fabulous tonight.”

Her heart fluttered at his words. The truth was she had spent an inordinate amount of time in her closet trying to decide what to wear tonight. She had finally decided on a simple off-white sheath dress. She took a second to look him up and down. He had on khaki pants and a light blue polo shirt. “You don’t look too bad yourself, handsome.”

“Made your favorite,” he said, leading her inside to the kitchen.

“And how do you know my favorite?” she teased.

“Every time we go out, you always order the same thing. Salmon. So I decided that tonight I would cook you my version of salmon. It’s one of the two things I cook.”

She had no idea she always ordered the same thing. Though, looking back, she did always seem to order salmon. “I like fish. And it’s good for you, too.”


They stepped inside the kitchen and she was surprised to see the table was not set. Luke noticed her confusion.

“I thought we’d change things up a little bit tonight. Eat in the dining room.”

The dining room? That sounded . . . formal. He led her through the kitchen and into the connecting room. He had certainly been busy this afternoon. Lit candles were everywhere and the table was set with fine china.

“China?” She ran a finger along the gold edging of a plate.

“It was my mother’s,” he said. “And I never use it, so I thought why not use it tonight?”

Why indeed? Was it because this was one of their few dates that didn’t involve taking pictures before or after?

“I didn’t mean for it to freak you out.” Luke seemed to misinterpret her silence.

“I’m not freaked-out, just surprised.” She sat down in the offered seat. “I’ve just never known a bachelor to have such fine china.”

“True. But I’m not your average bachelor.”

That was an understatement. “So you made salmon?”

“Yes, and it’ll be ready in about two minutes.”

True to his word, five minutes later he set a delicious-looking plate of salmon and vegetables in front of her. She eyed everything. “This looks delicious.”

“Thank you. Let’s hope it tastes as good as it looks.”

She nodded, but she couldn’t imagine something that smelled so divine not tasting good. Luke poured them both some wine, and she almost giggled when she noted the label. It was the same red that Abby liked.

But all her giggles faded away as soon as she took her first bite. “Oh, wow,” she said as soon as she swallowed. “You missed your calling. You should be a chef.”

“Nah, I don’t enjoy cooking that much.”

“Shame.” And that was all she said because she was much more interested in eating than discussing why Luke would never be a professional chef.

Their conversation started out light and easy, but midway through dinner, Luke grew serious.

“I’ll admit,” he said, “there was something I wanted to bring up tonight.”

She waited. Was it possible he knew she was being blackmailed? Had Abby told him?

“Don’t look so scared,” he said. “I think, well, I hope, that you’ll like what I’m thinking.”

She could have kicked herself for being so easy to read. “Do tell.”

“The short of it is, I’ve really enjoyed spending time with you over the last few weeks. I know our time is almost up on the book. I believe we can wrap it up in one more shoot. But I don’t want that to be the end of us. I’d like to keep seeing you.” He spoke quickly, but sincerely, almost as if he wasn’t as sure as he seemed of her response. She found it delightfully endearing.

And beyond her wildest dreams.

He enjoyed spending time with her. He wanted to spend more time with her. It was the exact same thing she wanted and yet the very thing she was also afraid of. Afraid because she wasn’t sure how she would keep the blackmail issue away from him.

But she didn’t have to think too long before answering. “I would like that, too.”

His face broke into a grin. Lord, he looked so handsome when he smiled. It made her smile in return. He reached out and took her hand from where it rested on the table.

“Thank you. Thank you for giving us a second chance,” he said.

“How could I not? You’ve always been the one my heart’s wanted.” It had been a hard admission to herself and even harder to voice aloud to him. But he deserved the truth; they both deserved the truth.

“Meagan.” He spoke her name reverently while still stroking her hand. For several long seconds they simply enjoyed the silence, their hands touching, the warmth that surrounded them, and the possibilities that lay before them.

Finally Luke broke the silence. “Will you stay the night?”

She didn’t have to think about her answer. “Yes.”

He dropped her hand long enough to walk over behind her chair and pull it out; then he reached down again and took her hand. “I want you.”

“Yes,” she repeated, wanting the same.

He pulled her close into his arms and, pressing his nose against her hair, whispered into her ear, “I’m going to keep you up all night. I’m going to explore every inch of your body. And when you think I’m finished, I’m going to do it all again.”

She ran her nails down his back, enjoying the way he moaned in pleasure. “Then I’m going to explore your body. Every inch.” She shifted her hands to the front of his body and gently cupped him. “Every. Last. Inch.”

“Damn, woman, I’m not sure I have the strength for all of that.”

She lightly squeezed his erection through his pants. “I’m sure you’ll find a way.”

He hissed as her grip got tighter. “I’m sure I will.”

“Maybe.” She started undoing his pants. “Maybe I’ll start in here. Tell me. Has anyone ever sucked you off in your dining room?”

“No. Are you going to be the first?”

“Are you going to let me? Or does that go against some Dom rule?”